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PFT results


I have recently had worsening asthma like symptoms and went in for a PFT.  I am currently taking albuterol and it is helping with my symptoms, but my doc said the test results didnt really go one way or the other.  He didnt give me the actual results but did give me the interpretation from the pulminoligist.  Can someone please interpret this and let me know what you think?

Here is the interpretation of the results by the pulmonologist.

Some flattening of the inspiratory flow volume loop could represent variable extrathoracic airway obstruction.

Spirometry shows a mild reduction in the peak flow and a moderate reduction in the mid flow but otherwise no definite evidence of obstruction.  Possible mild restriction.  However, there is a significant improvement after bronchodilator.

Lung volumes show a normal lung capacity but there is air trapping

The adjusted diffusing capacity is increased.

The airway resistance is normal

6 Responses
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That would definitely qualify you for a asthma dx by my doc.

Praying you get the care you need.
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Just found out how much "significant" improvement was.. My FEV1 went from 70% pre to 90% post bronchodialator..  yes I guess that is significant..
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168348 tn?1379357075

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Thank you so much for your service and sacrifice.  It is apreciated.

Push for the diagnosis you need.  Ask for a methacholine challenge test - that is the gold standard (although some asthmatics do pass the test some how.)  

You should be able to be reassigned to a desk job or support in some way.  It should not mean an automatice discharge.  I know of someone who has significant congenital, hearing loss that started when he was in basic training.  He has been reassigned and is still serving.

I hate the our military gets the worst medical care of anyone.  It is deplorable.

Take care and feel better.

God bless.
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Thanks alot for the response.  Thats what Im thinking too.  However, I am in the military and it seems here lately that with the military doctors it seems like they have a hidden agenda when it comes to diagnosing someone with something.  I just want to feel better and if that means them giving me meds that disqualify me from being in the military then so be it..  Has anyone else had any issues with something like this in the past?

thanks alot
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The phrase "significantimprovement after bronodilator" really caught my attention.  My docotr diagnosed my daughter with asthma based on PFT improvement after using albuterol.  I would discus this further with your doctor. Trapped air although not a definite sign of asthma it is a pretty good indicator of it.  Over all, I would have to say that from my discussions with my doctors and personal research,it is highly likely that you have asthma.

Take care and feel better.
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