454221 tn?1259445739

Part II from my first question!

I did see an ENT doc, but at the time my tonsil was not swollen and did not see anything concerning.  Since then my tonsil has swelled up again.  My lung doc said I had severe allergies to dust mites and I have put covers on my mattresses and pillows and taken my claritin and flonase and it seems to make a difference.  But since I had to move heavy mattresses and did a lot of vaccuming my neck feels tense.  I have had this problem since I got my new carpet cleaner and all the other problems.  Could this all be due to an injury?  I find it hard to believe that my doc says I have vcd, mild asthma, severe allergies to dust mites, mild allergies to dogs and that my swollen tonsil is another problem.  My feeling is and I hope is that it is all connect to one problem.  What is your input? Help
3 Responses
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242588 tn?1224271700
Your doctor is probably right, with the suggestion that any relationship with the enlarged tonsil is tenuous, at best.  Your neck tightness is likely due to the heavy lifting, rather than to the enlarged tonsil.

Chlamydia is a rare cause of tonsillitis.  Chronic Chlamydia infection has been implicated in instances of asthma, relatively refractory to asthma therapy, but the odds are that the Chlamydia is not a factor; either in your asthma or as a cause of tonsillar enlargement.

Our advice remains the same.  That unilateral tonsillar enlargement, especially in the presence of negative bacterial cultures, is rarely on the basis of allergy, and should be approached in the same way as any other mass in the body.  Assuming your tonsil is still enlarged, you should have it re-examined by the ENT.
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454221 tn?1259445739
I forgot to mention other blood tests that were done.  I my lung doc did swab my throat for mono and that came back negative a couple of weeks ago.  She also order a blood test for Chlamydia pneumoniae(I think that is how you spell it) and that showed an old infection in my blood.  Would that be a cause for my swollen tonsil?  I was taking INH for 9 months and just finished it memorial weekend.  Other meds I'm on are prilosec(pretty much daily right now), ortho-tricyclen LO, claritin, and flonase.
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454221 tn?1259445739
Thanks so much for your suggestions and medical advice.  I talked to my ENT doc today and she said for me to do the speech therapist appt. and then to go see her after that.

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