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Reaction to Ibuprofen

Last night, feeling a tension headache coming on, I took an 800 mg Motrin on a relatively empty stomach, but was soon going to dinner. Approx 30 minutes after taking Motrin, I got an itchy throat starting wheezing and coughing. The wheezing and coughing got much worse and my throat began to feel as it was closing up. I developed hives on my neck and torso and my eyelids began to swell. After taking 2 benadryl my symptoms began to subside. My question: This has never happened when taking regular Motrin for aches/pains/fever/etc. Should I presume this will always happen when taking motrin? Will benadryl continue to be a source of relief for this issue?
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242588 tn?1224271700
What you describe sounds like a fairly severe allergic reaction to Motrin® (ibuprofen).  There is cross-reactivity between Motrin® (ibuprofen) and aspirin.  Many individuals are allergic to aspirin and many of those will cross-react to Motrin® (ibuprofen) or similar drug in the same way they would react to aspirin.  You were fortunate that Benadryl® (diphenhydramine) was effective in curbing this attack.  You should not take aspirin, Motrin® (ibuprofen) or any of the other so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like Motrin® (ibuprofen) since the likelihood of a recurrence is high.  Also, you should not assume that Benadryl® (diphenhydramine) will work as well next time, should you take one of those drugs.

You should seek consultation with an allergist.  There is a group of drugs, called anti-leukotrienes, which can attenuate allergic reactions such as the one you had but they are far from completely effective.  Aspirin desensitization is often effective.

Bottom line -- you are at high risk of a severe allergic reaction and should not subject yourself to that risk.
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people with asthma often react with increased swelling in throat to NSAIDs like advil and aspirin . try tylenol instead . do you have asthma?
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This too happened to me. I suffer from Dysmenorrhea, and whilst at work one night, I started to cramp.  The only thing available to me was a bottle of Advil, so I took 2.  Everything seemed to be getting better for about a minute, then I started to get dizzy.. my throat started to swell, and I started having trouble breathing.  Needless-to-say, I promptly left work and was (thankfully) able to drive myself to the emergency room.  Not only that, taking the Advil seemed to elevate my Dysmenorrhea symptoms.  I've taken Tylenol, Motrin, & generic Ibupropen tablets before.. and nothing remotely similar has ever happened.  Strange, indeed.
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