215461 tn?1331862765

Reactive airway or asthma in my 6 year old?

My son is 6 years old.  When he was 1 he caught his first cold which started causing wheezing and he had to go to the ER and was given a nebulizer with albuterol.  He has been fine throughout the years except for when he catches a cold.  Then he will cough nonstop and has developed croup several times.  He always needs a steroid when this happens.  Now he has been pretty sick almost since November.  It won't go away.  He is on albuterol, singulair, and another liquid steroid at the moment.  My question is that we all are sick here and everyone coughs.  All this is not taking away his cough, but some amount of cough should be normal with a cold right?  They said he has reactive airway disease, but how am I to know when the cough is not right?  They sound the same to me.  His pediatrician won't send me to a specialist yet, and its ridiculous.  He needs a asthma testing.  How many of you have children with reactive airway?  Is it asthma?  I don't know what to do anymore and I'm just so freaked out that I shake every time he coughs.  He also does not get well like other children.  When he catches a cold he is sick for weeks.  I home-school him thankfully, because he would never make it in a normal school.  I appreciate any help and answers.

5 Responses
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209987 tn?1451935465
Reactive airway was a "general term" used to describe wheezing and allergic reactions.
Over the years it has come to mean childhood bronchial asthma.
Pediatricians do not like to label children as having asthma until they are old enough to take the bronchial challenge test, etc.

We were told that my one son had that until he was 6...at that point he was tested for asthma...sure enough...after years of pumping him full of antibiotics that no longer work on him, he was given inhalers.

I was diagnosed as having chronic bronchitis as a child...same thing then as reactive airway disease is now.
I was pumped full of cough syrups, ( coactifed when I was older) and aspirin.
At the age of 28 a heart specialist ( of all people ) discovered that it was asthma due to allergies. I also suffer from postnasal drip, which only intensifies the coughing.
My youngest son is now going through all of this too. He's only 2,so it will be a while before he gets much help... but he HAS already been diagnosed with postnasal drip.

Ask your doctor about the possibility of postnasal drip.
Also ask your son if he can describe what he thinks makes him cough.
Ask him if it feels like a scratch in his throat, or if it feels like something is sliding down it, stuck in it, or has pins in it...these are often signs of postnasal drip...which makes you cough constantly.

If your doctor refuses to test for asthma it could be that he already figures your son has it. After all, he DOES have him on asthma and allergy medications. lol
I believe that your son is old enough to be tested...as I said above, mine was 6 when tested.

Hope this helps.
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215461 tn?1331862765
My son says his throat is scratchy at times or he says he has mucus.  I believe he does have post nasal drip!  What is the treatment for that?  

He only does the cough during a cold though.  However in November he was really sick did the coughing thing and his cold seemingly went away after 3 weeks (this is generally how long it takes with him).  Then he still just sounded as if he had mucus all the time and had to clear his throat for the next couple weeks until this newest cold hit him severely.  I want him to get testing because my mom did get 2 new cats and I wonder if this is causing a problem (we live with my mom).  

His is also different in that when he lays down to go to sleep, he usually doesn't cough at all unless its in the time when he needs the steroid.  Then he will wake up a few times and cough, but its usually better than during the day.  I know this isn't characteristic of asthma.  I just wish I knew how to help him =(.  I'm so nervous about this.  Thanks for the reply.
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PS If he has post nasal drip can you use pediatric neil med nasal wash?

Here is a link to what it looks like:
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209987 tn?1451935465
Postnasal drip, PND, can be caused by so many things, including allergies.
And it sounds as if your young man DOES indeed have it.

It is generally worse at night. The use of a humidifier by the bed can help, as well as propping him up on several pillows.
I find that sleeping on my left side with 3 or 4 pillows holding my head and shoulders up seems to help a bit.
I use sinus rinses and claritin nose spray.
My youngest son is on prescription nose spray and inhalers.
He worsens when sleeping on his back. When he sleeps on his tummy ( he's 2) he becomes congested, but at least he isn't coughing that way.

PND does worsen when hit with a cold or flu...more mucus production...and it will seem that it's taking forever for it to clear up.
Definitely go through with allergy testing!
In the meantime,try and keep him away from the kitties, and keep them away from his sleeping area.
achilles2 is on the right track. You can also buy hydrasense nasal drops at almost any grocery store.
What will you/your mom do if it's the cats?
Anyway, keep us posted.
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215461 tn?1331862765
Thanks for the info Tschock.  I am going to insist upon allergy testing.  The info about PND is helpful.  I never realized it could cause so many problems.  He also makes this chewing sounds when he sleeps.  He does that all of the time.  He chews like he is chewing on phlegm or something (gross I know).  He snores too.  I never really thought that this could be his problem.  If I do find out it is the cats, I might have to move.  I am not sure yet.  I hate to even think about that because I have been deathly ill in the last year with severe thyroid problems.  
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