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Swine Flu Vaccines

Hi there,
I have myself worried into a state about the swine flu (H1N1) vaccines that I am afraid to take them even though I am in the at risk category (asthmatic).  I know that there are two vaccines available:- Celvapan (baxter) and Pandremix (GSK), and I am thinking about getting the Celvapan one at the moment.  I have read information about their active ingredients and I would like to know if any asthmatic took the swine flu vaccine and if they did, did they have any side effects.  

Thanks, Dolly 949
6 Responses
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I got the H1N1 vaccine nearly 6 weeks ago. My arm was a little sore but thats about. My doctor called me in when he got the vaccine because I do have asthma. He thought I should be one of those to get it. Since then my kids had it and extended family. I played the test dummy and I was okay so was everyone else. Some of then got the shot some of them had the nose spray.
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425580 tn?1223925665
I received my swine flu vaccine yesterday and I'm glad tha I did. It seems as if this variation of the flu is much more aggressive than originally thought,
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Thank you for your help Victoireh.  I feel more confident about getting the vaccine now.  

Thanks, Dolly 949
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942934 tn?1268108382
I have no idea which one I got. I do believe that they've formulated it similar to your standard childhood vaccines. I think the one shot is for pregnant women, unless you're pregnant, I don't believe you have anything to worry about. It's the Pandremix that was never tested on pregnant women.

I would go ahead and do the shot anyhow, especially if you are prone to bad asthma exacerbations from viruses. This flu does hit the chest rather hard, so precaution should be taken.
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Thanks Victoireh,

Do you know which vaccine it is you got? Or does it really matter.  
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942934 tn?1268108382
I got it two weeks ago and the only side effect is a really sore arm for two days. quite tolerable actually. I know people around me who are in their 30's and 40's and younger with no pre-existing conditions getting the swine flu so badly that they need hospitalization.
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