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please help

hello im 18 I believe I have asma I get really bad chest tightness if I smoke and my throat starts to close and wheezing please someone with asma let me no thanks
3 Responses
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144586 tn?1284666164
You have to stop smoking. Period.  You are risking the chance of death. You know. No more swimming. No more parties. No more boyfriend or girlfriend. Rotting in a grave. Not all asthmatics are that sensitive to smoke, but if you are you must cease smoking. Forever.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Make sure overall your asthma is under control as well. If it is not you are likely to have a worse reaction and one that is harder to control with medication.

And yes you need to stop smoking, it is the worse habit to have with asthma and will cause very bad consequences throughout the rest of your life - COPD, emphysema and lung cancer
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Don't smoke!! It takes time for the inflammation of smoking to resolve.
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