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Too much excersis?

I'm 19 and i run a lot (5+ times a week). I have been diagnosed with arrhythmia and i also have a third heart sound. I'm asthmatic and i get a lot of pain in my chest when i run in the cold no matter how much asthma medication i take before hand or what preventatives i'm on. Are these symptoms related at all and are they concerning? Is there anything i can do for the pain? also my average heart rate when i run is between 180-195bpm and this is how its always been.
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5136848 tn?1364840590
I have been an asthmatic for almost 26 years ( I was diagnosed at age 3) and while in high school, I was very active. I played soccer, did track, softball and swimming. Running in the cold always affected my asthma and made my chest hurt. However, I could not always help it, so I slowed my pace during long periods of running. If you don't want to slow your pace, I would suggest not going as far (if you're running 5 miles, go down to 3 on those really cold days).

I won't be able to help you any on the heart rate. I have never had any problems with it being that high, during an asthma attack or when running.

I hope this helps a little. Good luck!
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Arrhythmias can cause chest pain and they are usually aggravated with exercise. Besides this they can cause palpitations, shortness of breath and lightheadedness. There are many different types of arrhythmias, some of which need little or no therapy and others more aggressive management, such as with surgery, catheter procedures or drugs. The breathlessness and chest pain could also be due to Asthma. And pain in turn can raise the pulse rate. So, you will need to consult your doctor for proper management of the arrhythmias and asthma to resolve your symptoms.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Thanks for all the advice,

Went to my doctor today who prescribed a different long acting beta 2 agonist, which he felt i might get on better so will give that a go and hopefully it'll help. As for the arrhythmia he said it was not uncommon and i should grow out of it.
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