1763947 tn?1334055319

Help confused

I am 55 yrs old woman and was just diagnosed with asthma 2 months ago from my PCP. When I went to refill my inhalers the pharmacist said I was taking two inhalers that have steroids in them and that most all people take only 1 of those. I am taking Symbacort,, Asmanex twisthaler and xopenex HFA as a rescue. I am moving soon to FL and have only been in Texas for 10 months. I will see a pulmanary doc when I get to FL but meanwhile has anyone been told this about steroids and or have any suggestions?  I see my PCP tomorrow hopefully for the last time before I leave.
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If you want to go the natural route, eat fresh PINEAPPLE (bromalain) and Watermelon (Antioxidants).  It works for me better than any meds for asthma!
If you have a Health Food Store:
Lobelia for the asthma to clear out the inflammation in the body that causes asthma.

Also, many patients with "Vocal Cord Dysfunction" are often misdiagnosed with asthma.
There is treatment for VCD.
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1763947 tn?1334055319
Thanks BMSI, that is really helpful and I appreciate it. I have so much other stuff going on at the same time that I am not even sure If I will continue to really have asthma or the illness (not really diagnosed yet but thoughts are chronic lyme disease) once healed will alleviate the asthma. Who knows. Thanks again.
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I have been on two different inhaled steroids (ICS) at the same time.  When a doctor does that, it is usually to keep the patient on a lower dosage of the combination med (Symbicort),  but they don't think that is enough. Sometimes the patient can maintain could control on a lower dose of ICS.  Then when they get sick they will layer the stand alone ICS.  They supplement the combo ICS with a stand alone ICS like Asmanex.  Another reason doctors may do this is to include a small particle ICS in the therapy like Alvesco.  I was in the second group.  

I hope that helps some.

God bless.
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