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Why do my chest feel so heavy and what can I do about it?

Everyday my chest heavy. It didn't hurt and I can breathe just. It just so heavy and make me so weak. I have to lay down and rest. Don't get me wrong I love taking a nap, but sometime it drive me crazy when I get too weak and have to stop what I doing and lay down.

I am a staying mom and most of time I can only get things done when my daughter is sleep but I can't seen to do that because I get weak.

I don't know what to do and I wish I could afford to go the doctor. But until then any advice.

P.S I don't think I have Asthma. But it does run in family. My father side.
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144586 tn?1284666164
Look on the internet for "Hill-Burton". There will be a site listing hospitals in your area that will treat patients who cannot afford to pay under the Hill-Burton act.
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thank will do
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