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allergy shots for asthma, high lung age!

I had a PFT and it said my lung age is 55 even though I am only about 30- is that terrible?  my lung capacity is around 4 liters.  I don't know how it can be that bad for my age?
I heard allergy shots can help asthma, have allergies to dust mites
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can treating GERD with nexium really help sleep apnea and asthma?  my ENT thought so and I've read that GERD can even cause sleep apnea, central apnea somehow??  I wish it could be as simple as that to curing my sleep apnea
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what does lung age 55 mean?  do I really have bad lungs?
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746512 tn?1388807580
I've never heard of using lung age before, normally it is just numbers and percents based on weight/age/height compared to others.  

Did you have the test re-done after a dose of ventolin or similar?  Are you having asthma symptoms or do you feel fine?

Allergy shots definetly help asthma (cured mine) depending if most of your attacks or allergy based or not?
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1580703 tn?1651904887
thanks!  I have the dust mite problem but don't know- do you have dust mite allergy or level 3/3+ allergies?  I am crippled by lung disease.  my FEV1 is about 70 and doesn't really change on inhalers.

how long did it take for allergy shots to work?  
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1580703 tn?1651904887
lung age is I think the age you'd be for 100% lung capacity at your lung capacity score...it's like for my lung capacity it would be normal for 100% lungs for a 55 year old.
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