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asthma and diet

Hi, I'm leaving in Sweden since 4 years, and my asthma get worse and worse each year, because, unfortunately for me, it's sensitive to the cold and the hygrometry. Here I take everyday a lot of medicines (SINGULAIR, SERETIDE, VENTOLINE, PREDNISOLONE, NASONEX, LORATADINE), especially Cortisone so I'm largely overweight (85 kg for 165 cm).

I decided to diet 3 days ago, and i choose to follow the ATKINS program, which works really great with me. I'm cycling 6 km at least everyday but when the snow will come it's gonna be impossible to cycle anymore :-(

Do it exists a possibility to take less or no cortisone in my case, so i can loose weight, breath better and feel better in my body ?

Thank you for your answer !

2 Responses
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2218783 tn?1357571081
Talk to your Doctor maybe he can help you try other meds that dont have such a high steroid
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Hi Conhall :-D Of course you're right and I did it many times, but here in Sweden the health care system is just a real disaster ! It's been 4 years I asked for tests and spirometry :-(

Thank you for your advice and have a day !
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