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Tightness and constricted in chest

I have only had the odd episode until recently.  Last summer I had two big episodes where I felt an extreme crushing feeling in my chest, like someone was sitting on me, immediately after eating dinner.  When I have had these before I have simply taken two Benadryl and the symptoms went away.  I was sent to an allergist when I ended up in the hospital because the Benadryl didn't work.  He sent me for a Methocoline challenge test.....that is when my problems truly began.  I came back with Etreme Asthma I responded on the first test and he stopped it after three.  I ended up in hospital that night and have had problems ever since.  The asthma meds help moderately but I have never had it this much or for this long EVER!  It has now been almost four months.  My question is could this be something else going on perhaps another condition?
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Thanks, I am just so not used to this!  I think I have to go back in to the Dr again:(
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746512 tn?1388807580
It takes a long time to recover from a severe asthma flare-up.  It took me 3 1/2 months to get back to the medication level before a flare up back in december.  I still have not completely recovered in regards to symptoms (massive muscous amount I never had before).  I also only went from 450 peak flow down to 280-300 so it wasn't even a horrible drop, only doctor visits needed.

You need to be medicated enough so you are only having to use your rescue inhaler 2-3 times a week.  You may need high dose inhaled steroids, combination medications or a burst of oral steroids (possibility even a month course).  

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