1232362 tn?1333135406

URI from cats?

My cats have upper respiratory infections (being spread amongst themselves by violent sneezing despite my best efforts) and I'm wondering if I can pick this up from them. I have asthma and am prone to these infections myself and have had both walking and regular pneumonia a few times. I'm taking all the regular precautions: washing my hands, etc.
6 Responses
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1232362 tn?1333135406
The answer is yes-thanks anyway.
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144586 tn?1284666164
At the risk of inflaming cat lovers, certain organisms that cause pneumonia in cats can cause leukemia in humans.

It is not a good idea to be around cats with respiratory diseases.
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1232362 tn?1333135406
ok-hopefully he doesn't get pneumonia!! Also; along those precautionary lines that you mentioned, pregnant ladies shouldn't change litter pans. Not relevant to this topic-just a general knowledge comment.
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144586 tn?1284666164
My comment does NOT necessarily mean that every case of feline pneumonia is caused by an organism that can cause harm to humans. You should not abandon your pet, simply because it is sick. On the other hand, it pays to exercise reasonable precautions and always consult with a vet.
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746512 tn?1388807580
The most likely cause of your felines sneezing is calicivirus (i think I spelt that wrong tho) or a herpes type virus. These CANNOT be transmitted to humans (minus two uncommon infections can cause mild illness in immuno-comprised patients.

good overall info on causes

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1580703 tn?1651904887
I have had bad cat allergies to cat hair- it's probably not a good idea to have cats if you have asthma or other lung diseases
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