1086863 tn?1278630315

asthma or something else?

21 male, ex-smoker (heavily 6 years) i just quit 6 weeks ago
short of breath
sore throat
and i only cough a little. and its only at night. i dont even have to lay down, when it turns to night time i cough randomly,
10 days ago i sanded and painted a truck without a respirator, i got a mild sore throat that persisted. now i have little phlegm and a headache. very little fever 99.4.

any ideas?
3 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Time for a doctor visit.  Could be any infection or allergic reaction to the fumes from the paint.  

Could turn to pneumonia so best to get it checked out now.  
Helpful - 0
1232362 tn?1333135406
metal woman here to try to help! you might just have an unrelated (to the
work you did) upper respiratory inf. usually rest and plenty of fluids will
do the trick-if it worsens you'll need antibiotics. asthma won't give you a
fever. congrats on quitting smoking! keep up the good work-feel better.
Helpful - 0
144586 tn?1284666164
Sounds like pneumonia.

The paint fumes destroy and inflame tissue which then becomes subject to infection, either viral or bacterial.

If vital it will have to run it's course, but if the difficulty in breathing gets worse or yellow phlegm develops do not hesitate to visit an ER.
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