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asthma without wheezes

I had shortness of breathe for 9 months. Until my pulmo doctor told me I have asthma. My question is. is it possible to have asthma wihout wheezes?
4 Responses
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144586 tn?1284666164
It depends upon how you define asthma. In general, wheezes are part and parcel of an asthmatic attack. I think you have to look further and get another opinion. There can be many etiologies that cause shortness of breathy, from a blood disorder (get a hematological consult) to pancreatitus to fibrosis of unknown origin.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
The answer to your question is Yes.
It depends on how bad your asthma is.

A lung function test would confirm the diagnosis.  

I presume that you have had blood tests done to make sure that you are not anaemic?
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746512 tn?1388807580
Yes - there is a type of asthma called cough-variant that does NOT have any wheezing as a symptom even in bad attacks.

This does make it a little higher risk because you can have such bad symptoms and doctors sometimes don't understand how much trouble you are in because they don't hear the wheezing.  

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4851940 tn?1515694593
Many years ago after 3 bouts of flu, I was left with a persistent cough and went to the doctor thinking I would get an antibiotic to shift it.  Instead he sent me for a lung function test at the hospital that confirmed that I have mild asthma.  I do get a wheeze when I get a chest infection, but there is not always a wheeze present.

The cold and some allergies set it off.
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