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I've had asthma all my  life .My whole family has chronic sinus problems. As I get older and digestive problems occur I require stronger asthma meds. I'm mostly allergic to fog  and fuel emmissions. Could digestive problems such as acid reflux cause or aggrevate asthma?
3 Responses
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746512 tn?1388807580
Hmmmm.  Read any lung assoication website and they all say that GERD and sinus problems can worsen asthma.

Probably the best is to either
1) print off some info from a reputable site and bring it into them
2) ask for a referral to a lung specalist and get them to monitor your asthma medications

since your primary doctor doesn't seem to know a lot about asthma.  I switched doctors to ensure I got someone that knew what they were talking about.
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  Thanks for the confirmation. It's when I stopped my prevacid I ran into problems with the asthma .My primary dr. didn't think there was a connection.
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746512 tn?1388807580
GERD defintely can affect asthma and make it worse.  I would try taking a daily acid reflux medication and see if it helps your asthma.  
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