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1955760 tn?1346483744

Breathing Difficulties

If I take asthma inhalers when I I have a breathing problem that is possibly not asthma, will I make myself worse?  I think I have chronic hyperventilation syndrome more so than asthma
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1955760 tn?1346483744
Thank you so much for your comment!  I will look that up as its something I haven't heard of. I was diagnosed as having anxiety disorder and my nervous system was a mess due to stress, and all my symptoms match chronic hyperventilation syndrome.  Doing Buteyko has helped alot and I can keep calm when Im very short of breath. But I have been taking preventer (flixotide) which also helps a bit as I can feel mucous build up, so I thought i might have CHVS as well as seasonal asthma.....  Anyway thanks again =)
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Using your inhaler too often won't harm you, but it can make the medicine less effective for when you really need it.

Do some research on Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD).  VCD mimics asthma, but is treated with speech therapy and breathing techniques.  There is a video online that demonstrates one breathing technique.  Look it up and try it.  See if using that technique reduces your symptoms enough that you don't need the inhaler as often.

When my asthma first worsened, I was also diagnosed with VCD.  Doint the breathing exercise did help keep my calm during an asthma attack and sometimes stopped my symptoms.  I was having VCD attacks at times and not asthma attacks.

Just a thought.

God bless.
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