1580703 tn?1651904887

does anyone else have inability to exhale?

I'm really curious does anyone else have this problem where they can't exhale?  I start wheezing and feel resistance.  and I'm exhausted and foggy all day long.  is that COPD or something?  even when I take prednisone I can't exhale  
one pulmonologist said I have VCD, but I was ENT scoped and it was negative
I have this severe sleep apnea with the asthma and haven't found a cure except klonopin which doesn't work so often
5 Responses
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7976661 tn?1395924426
Hello, it sounds like you need further diagnostic tests to determine if you have a pulmonary dysfunction. Sometimes VCD can exhibit similar symptoms as Asthma, certain tests can rule out asthma in and of itself(methacholine challenge). I suggest going back to your pulmonologist to get a complete evaluation to determine whether or not your lung function is causing this difficulty in exhalation. Unfortunately sometimes it takes several different tests to rule one system out at a time until you're left with only a small amount of possible culprits.
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Hi there,

You mentioned that you take the drug Klonopin for severe sleep apnea.
You also mentioned that you are having problems with your breathing.
On a hunch, I goggled the drug Klonopin , specifically the question
what are the side effects of Klonopin . As you can imagine, many websites
appeared, but there is one website in particular called " Klonopin Side
Effects in Detail - Drugs.com . Here on this website, many of the
side effects of Klonopin are listed. Did you know one of the rare side
effects of Klonopin , if I remember correctly is, shortness of breath.
You can also access this information by going to www.drugs.com and
type in the drug Klonopin, but the way I suggested initially is the easiest.
A friend of mine has a partner that has sleep apnea. He wears a mask
at night with a breathing machine. Don't know if you have one already
but her partner finds it most helpful.  Who knows maybe the feeling of
fogginess you have may be a side effect of the Klonopin too. I hope
the information I've provided may prove helpful to you.   Eve
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1580703 tn?1651904887
what can you do for VCD?
this terrible pulmonologist diagnosed me with VCD and dropped me from their office.  I think I definitely have asthma since I have chest tightness and singulair helps and maybe VCD in addition
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I've been trying a trial of diamox to see if it will help my sleep apnea, it's supposed to increase respiration
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1580703 tn?1651904887
it's strange I still can't exhale it's terrible and I worry about my O2 levels.  oximeter said I'm at 86% sometimes I can barely type because I'm on a ventilator for sleep apnea
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