990597 tn?1296392926

i have severe asthma

i have asthma for several years. when asthma attacks i cant breath.i am suffocating and wheezes to take breath. i use inhalers to get relief .but one day i forgot inhaler and got asthma. i am trubling for breath,wheezes,suffocates. i feel like going to die due to breathlessness. my girl friend see me and admits hospital suddenly. so iescaped. if no inhaler i cant breath. when ansthma occures i needed to use inhaler 4 times atleast. so please suggest an other
3 Responses
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942934 tn?1268108382
You don't mention in your post whether you take any steroid inhalers? But as you say that you have severe asthma, I'm going to assume then that your doctor has put you on some to help control the symptoms. I've been told that the rescue inhaler is the only way to calm an attack. However, I have often myself in the past used hot drinks, in particular coffee, to help with attacks in the past. Apparently there is something in coffee that helps ease the asthma. But really if you are worried about your attacks these days you should see your doctor about them. Because maybe your asthma is out of control.

Another things you can do is have a number of rescue inhalers in different spots. Like in your car, in your sports bag, in your coat pocket, so you are likely to always have one on hand.
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168348 tn?1379357075
Welcome to our Community!
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990597 tn?1296392926
thanks for advice yesterday again am in danger i cant breath inhaler doesnt help me i was suffocating and breathless for half an hour thank god relatives and girlfriend helps me
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