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Odd pain and discomfort in the lungs

Due to some current events I am now being checked by my doctor to see if I might have asthma. I will get further testing but I was given an inhaler until then that he asked me to try and use when I think I might be suffering due to asthma symptoms. And I have a few questions as I am so bad at evaluating myself, I am the kind of person that thinks that life basically hurts a little. Stupid I know.

When I try to suck in a full on breath and fill my lungs completely, at the end of the breath I get a mild but uncomfortable pain in my lungs. It feels very uncomfortable. When the doctor listens to my lungs I never take a breath that deep thinking that maybe I’ve messed that part up.

I’m wondering, is that an asthma symptom as well or does it feel uncomfortable to take a deeeeeep breath? Would the moment when I feel the pain and discomfort be something a doctor can “hear” in a stethoscope? Also if the pain goes away and the inhale is muuuch smoother, almost like someone used silicone spray on my lungs, is that then an indication that my lungs are inflamed and the inhaler gives relief?
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