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lasting cough

I have had a cough for 5 months now.  It is not something that keeps me up, but does get worse after physical activities.  Sometimes comes with a sore throat, but no other symptoms.  Please help......
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746512 tn?1388807580
I would get checked out, that is how I started and it got a LOT worse after 7 months well we were looking into causes.  It got to the point it was waking me up 4-5 times a night choking because I was coughing so much.  

There is part of asthma/reactive airways that is called cough-variant asthma and coughing is sometimes the only symptom.  

There are other things that can cause it as well, like acid reflux (with or without symptoms), lingering cough after respiratory infections and sinus problems; coughing due to post nasal drip.  

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Thanks for the info.....I have an appointment next week, we will see what they say, I hate going to the doctor.
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I have a chronic dry cough,thats effecting my everyday life its so bad.the cough just abruptly comes out of  knowwhere.my dr.prescribed me steroids and it went away for a while, than came back.iam also taking an antihistamine,but all it does is make me drowsy.My cough is unexpected,horse and dry,worst of all at times it gets so unbearable i choke from it,and it wares me out.iam sick and tired of it,i feel its taking over my life.does anyone know what is causing it.iam 35 and mother of two,and b4 this healthy,so i thought. any suggestions out there?thank you.
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