2032758 tn?1331625043

can asthma come back!?

when I was 7-10 I use to take several types of asthma puffers but I can't remember what each of them were for but I can remember the colours purple, green, light blue, usual colour darkish blue, brown, red and black!! I haven't ever used them since I was 10 and never had trouble breathing nothing but recently when I breathe in my chest feels tight and sore and I think near my ribs is like a sharpe pain and when I run I taste blood in my mouth and it's dry and I feel like passing out! is this my asthma coming back it something else!? please help!
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It could be just panic so try to avoid stress situations, but asthma can come back and if you have breathing issues you should visit a doctor.
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746512 tn?1388807580
Asthma tends to cause problems with the exhaling portion of breathing where anxiety tends to cause problems with inhaling.  Tasting blood is not a typical symptom for asthma so it leads me to think someone else is going on.  I do think it's time to visit and ask your doctor.  :)
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