212161 tn?1599427282

is this asthma

hey thank you for your time.   to start ive been to 4 drs none of the asthma drs just reg drs one in er oters at a med first
i had a cold in oct had 3 weeks started whezing, went back got inhaler, didnt take scare because i have paps of heart week later took because could not breath, felt better.  now its been almost two months, still have the whez now and than and a little cough, running nose/stopped up nose. now and than i feel like i cant breath deep and i hear it in there , do not use inhaler unless bad it clears up on its own. so question is , is this asthma or still from cold , i feel the whez in my through and feel musc in there clear it out and feel better but at same time it keeps coming back.  inhaler does help when i take it but lots times it clears on its own does asthma do that. i use the xoperer inhaler and i have the asmanex to do at night  which i have not and now i have the flovent inhaler have not done. will the last two clear it out and keep it away.  am 49 years old never has asthma before so  am so lost with this can you plz shed some light on it.when over this will i get again with each cold . do you think its asthma thank you so much.
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212161 tn?1599427282
ps. when i do cough a lot nothing comes up its like water . no musc, when i take the inhaler it dose not bring anything up. thank you .
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242588 tn?1224271700
You probably do have asthma, but everything that wheezes is not asthma and there could be another cause of your wheezing, especially if the wheezing is localized to only one side of your chest or seems to be coming from your windpipe.  Your never having had asthma before can only strengthen the suspicion that the cause of the wheezing may not be asthma.

You should begin by using the Asmanex® Twisthaler® 220 mcg (mometasone furoate inhalation powder) or the Flovent® Inhalation Aerosol (fluticasone propionate) on a regular, daily basis, as prescribed.  You should then arrange to see an “asthma doctor”, either an internal medicine specialist or a lung specialist also known as a pulmonologist.  Your symptoms don’t entirely fit with the diagnosis of asthma and, if not, you will want to find out what it is and get going with the proper treatment.

Good luck.
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