1232362 tn?1333135406

minor intermittent ear pain

I've had a low grade upper respiratory inf for about 5 days, incl was intermittent ear pain. No fluid or dizziness. I still have a slight sore throat, did the usual: fluids, rest, AllegraD, sinus rinse. I've never had an ear inf before. I do have asthma and get URI frequently, 1st time w/ear issues. The pain will be first  in one, then other, then disappear, then return. Trying to avoid dr visit due to $ issues. Do I need antibiotics? I've had minimal if any fever, do have fatigue and I've lost my appetite. I think that covers it!
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Well, I hate to be right about needing to go to the dr, but sometimes you just know when it is time.

I am glad that it was truly a needed trip and that you are getting the treatment you need.

Thank you for your concern.  I am feeling better.  It can be a slow process sometimes.  That is the nature of asthma.  

You feel better too.
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1232362 tn?1333135406
back from dr, you were completely right, esp about antihistimine. Got some jumbo antibitotics and must continue w/antihisitimine-good job doc! I hope you're well and peak flows improve soon. thanks again!!
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Hello again,

I assume that the Afrin did work over the weekend.  Unfortunately I think that means that it is time for a dr's visit.  Sorry.
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