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oxygen sats....no asthma!?

Was at the doctors the other day my anxiety was pretty high and i felt a panic attack on the way. They took my O2 levels and ot was at 94%...whitch caused me to freak out terribly. They didnt seem to alarmed...but what would cause a slightly low reading? I was not wearing nailpolish or anything. I was short of breath but mainly from anxiety...i got beat red in the face and felt like fainting. Im only 19 and 29 weeks pregnant. Someone ease my mind! I think i am going to buy a pulse ox for home. Im to scared to go back to the dr to recheck it! :( is this to low of a reading?
2 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
People who live at high altitudes routinely have 02 levels of 94 or 95 and live their whole lives that way. It might be best if you don't buy an oximeter. Given your temperament it will just make you nervous.
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144586 tn?1284666164
An 02 level of 94% is nothing to be alarmed about.
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