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rattles in chest

can any one give me any info my little boy has been on and out of hospital since he was a week old with chest infections after chest infection he is now 2 and he had a good 12 weeks not as bad as the other times but has had to go back to docs for more meds but the last time i took him he said is lungs were clear but he is very whezzy and is chest rattles a lot why dose it do this sum days he cant even get off the chair and just wants to lol around and his chest is very rattaley he dosent sleep very well he always up crying and realy working for is breath so dose any one have any info for me pls
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Rattling chest it is first time  hearing about this kind of disease and i think this could be very crucial to him as well you. I will definitely do search on it and back to you...
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You should try and stay there. Make sure he does lay on stomach and lungs are in the front of the body. I just found this out not too long ago as i suffer from asthma and it has gotten alot better. But at that age all imcan say is that could be a problem. Sleep of back or side. For better breathing
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I am not a Doctor but I have lung problems and if his lungs are clear I wonder if his diaphragm is working correctly.

Is anything wrong with the lining of his lungs to cause so many infections.

Anyway, do not give up and keep seeing Specialists until they figure it out.

Breathing difficulties for a little one would be very very hard as they want to do sooooo much but his breathing is stopping him.

Myself, as an adult find breathing problems extremely upsetting as I can't do much, feel ill from infections.

I am worried they may be more going on with him and he needs more help.

Good luck

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tar for getting back to me he is on medication he as had a allergies test done all clear he as also had a cf test done just feel like am doing something wrong and that why he always ill so that why am looking for as much info on this rattle in is chest
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654491 tn?1226209319
Asthma is very hard at any age but I would be sure and have a good pedi. MD to monitor him. Is he on daily medication? You also, may need to take him to an allergy MD. He may need to be tested for allergies to certain foods. Asthma can be triggered by some certain things, dust, grass, weeds, pollen, seasonal, sickness, foods, reflux, chemical in the air (cleaning agents, pollution), exercise can induce along with heat. Usually asthma can be worse at night and early morning. Asthma can make you very tired but it can also, be dangerous if not treated well. Read as much as you can about Asthma.

                                         Good Luck,       Abby
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