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What is wrong with me?

Hi, I have had a long history or respiratory alements.  I was always sick.  I was finally diagnosed with having asthma.  Once I was on my daily inhaler I noticed that I wasn't getting sick as often until about 3 weeks ago I started to get a cold that turned into what I thought was laryngitis pretty much right away.  Now I have been without a voice for almost 3 weeks.  It hurts to try and talk and my throat feels really swollen.  It also feels like my neck is bruised on the left side.  It is really sensitive to touch.  I finally went to the doctor and they thought for sure that it was thyroiditis so ran all the tests for that.  My thyroid function test came back normal along with my white blood count test and mono and strep.  My voice is not getting better in fact is seems to be getting a little worse and am noticing a change in my breathing that my inhaler isn't helping.  I am also extremely tired!  Any ideas on what might be wrong with me.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
You could do with going back and getting some answers your throat must hurt, demand some and some med to help . Drink lots of fluids ,Lemon green tea is good with some Honey,drink it warm , gargle with salt water ,put a couple of spoons of salt ina glass of warm water and gargle like you do mouthwash,I would do it a couple of times a day.I believe Llarangitas can take a little while and if you had a nasty case of it, so maybe it will be clearing as I type,Hope you are better soon.
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