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Persistent difficulty breathing for 3 months

I’ve been sick for 3 months now.  27 y/o female, non-smoker, no history of asthma.  It started in December as shortness of breath and a bad cough (with clear/yellow discharge).  I originally went to an ambulatory care doctor.  After hearing my symptoms, he decided that I had the virus that causes Walking Pneumonia and gave me some medicine.  A week later, I was getting worse.  I was having very labored breathing (with tightness in my chest).  A 2nd trip was made to ambulatory care to see the same doctor.  I got a chest x-ray, which showed some cloudiness across both lobes.  He said that I had Walking Pneumonia and gave me different medicine.  6 days later, I woke up at 4AM gasping for air.  I went to the ER, had another chest x-ray, and was told I had Viral Pneumonia.  I was given different medications (and an inhaler with aerochamber) and sent home.  The medicine was actually starting to work until it ran out.

I finally got in to see my regular doctor.  He examined me and decided something had irritated my lungs.  He put me on an Advair inhaler.  A week later there was no difference, so I saw the doctor again.  They had me do a chest x-ray, which showed some mild inflammation on my lungs.  He said that it appeared I had bronchitis and gave me antibiotics.  After finishing the antibiotics, I felt the same.  The doctor’s office had me get another chest x-ray.  They said the inflammation remained and referred me to a pulmonologist.  She told me that my x-ray looks ok, but my eardrums looked rather tight/slightly swollen.  She thinks I’ve got a chronic sinus infection.  She put me on Clarinex and 2 nasal sprays to fix the problem.  It’s been 5 days but I’m still struggling to breathe.  Leading a normal life is really difficult.  It’s worst in the morning (4-10AM) and at night (8-11PM).  In between my breathing is still fairly labored, but not as bad.  I’m going back to the pulmonologist on 3/31 to see if I’ve made any progress.  For now I’m still miserable.  Help?
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242588 tn?1224271700
It is unclear as to whether your "pneumonia" was infectious or non-infectious, inflammatory due to either allergens or irritants.  Several things need to be determined:  1) the status of your airways, such as having asthma or a condition with blockage or obstruction of your airways capable of mimicking asthma; 2) the nature of the persistent x-ray abnormalities, since what you describe would be somewhat unusual for a viral or bacterial infectious pneumonia; 3) the cause of your shortness of breath, which could be airway blockage or restrictive lung disease due to what is showing up on your x-ray.

You must not wait until March 31 to re-visit the lung specialist.  If you have confidence in this doctor, make an appointment to be seen as soon as she can see you.  If the pulmonologist can't see you this week or at the latest, early next Monday, ask your doctor to refer you to another lung specialist, who can see you soon.  With either pulmonologist, arrange to take all your x-rays to the appointment and ask if they will do a pulmonary function test.

This has been going on way too long for you to waste any more time getting a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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I just read your post and I hope you are much better by now and that they have figured out why you are having trouble breathing.
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