1785448 tn?1353790196

what are asthma tablets?

Bit of an update. I kno wI don't actively post in this forum..I just don't know enough about it.

Anyway, after 2 lots of antibiotics and increased inhalers for 2 months, my doc wants to put me on tabs. Does that mean steroids?

He sent me for a chest x-ray first to check the infection has gone. If it is clearr, I start on the tabs.

What sort of thing can I expect? I have schizoaffective disoreder and steroids are likely to have a negative affect on me in one way or the other. I am already experiencing mood problemns at the moment so if avoidable, it'd be preferable. But, in reality, if I need them, then I need them. Better worse off mentally than dead right?

So, steroids are only temporary, right? Are there any others that'd not affect my mood?

Basically I've been taking a higher than recommended dose of my purple inhaler for the last few months and despie antibiotics for my chest infection it hasnt improved my breathing. Ive remained in the yellow zone of my asthma plan.

I just want to get it sorted without causing any other problems.

So, my question is, are there any alternatives to steroids in the UK??
2 Responses
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1580703 tn?1651904887
do you mean oral ventolin tablets?  I'm interested in trying this
Helpful - 0
1773483 tn?1316840828
You can use any kind of broncho dilator tablets. Such as "bambuterol hydrochloride tablet" .
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