726605 tn?1231368596

what are the right medicines to intake in an asthmatic pregnant women???

what are the right medicines to intake in an asthmatic pregnant women???
is it ok for me and specially for the baby if i take medrol medicine  and nebulizing too?
what are the best drugs to take ?
3 Responses
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178698 tn?1228774338
Do you take these on a daily basis.  Medrol is hardcore.  What does your doctor say about medrol during pregnancy.   I assume you mean albuterol in the nebulizer.  I've taken that during pregnancy...but that's when my asthma's been out of control.   Sound like the meds you are taking are "short-term".   Those aren't anything you would take on a regular basis for controlling asthma.  In any event...I've taking both prednisone and albuterol for nebulizer in the past and it was fine.  Howeve,r those were during serous asthma attacks not for daily maintenance.   Are you taking other meds for asthma on a daily basis?
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178698 tn?1228774338
Also I forgot to mention ...there are all kinds of asthma medicine and none of them are Category "A".  This means no issue completlely safe to take during pregnancy.   However, I am asthmatic and take medicine daily.   In general all asthma meds fall into category B and C.  I was told over and over that my asthma medicine was safe to take during pregnancy.   I never had any issues.   However, today and that is why I am searching for an answer, my PCP's office didn't want to write a script for my asthma meds, he want the OB doctor to write them.  
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726605 tn?1231368596
do u mean medrol is not safe for my baby?im just takoing medrol when i have uncontrolled asthma...not daily basis..and ive took that every other day..the doctor told me that was fine since im not taking that everyday..please help me search for an answer..methylprednisolone as medrol is corticosteroid of about 16 mg...you think medrol is bad?oh please help me...i have budecort and i used it not really everyday..i just used it when my breathing was hard.. morning and evening,i used puff budecort when its hard for me to breath..no other med,only budecort puff when i control my asthma..and for nebulizing,i only used duavent and salbutamol that was when my asthma was out of control...

please miss yvette,help me..
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