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whats wrong with me?

I had serious chest pain for about 3 days straight. I woke up 3 days ago and was having a hard time breathing. Since then, I'ts only gotten worse. My stomach hurts everytime I cough now. When i lie down its harder to breathe. It feels as though I have chest congestion. The back of my throat is slowly beginning to hurt more and more started yesterday till now. If anyone has any idea whats going on, please let me know.

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746512 tn?1388807580
It could be a heart attack, pneuomnia, liver problems, heart failure or simple (although severe acid reflux).

Since the pain is in your chest and is getting worse, I would call your doctor and get seen today, if that is not possible than go to a walk-in clinic.  It could just be acid reflux (since it can cause chest pain and lung symptoms that get worse when you lie down because of increased reflux) but since the other possibilities of chest pain can be very serious it would be worthwhile getting it looked at as soon as possible.  

And even if it is only acid reflux, the doc can give you meds and a prescription that will make it feel better and stop it from occuring again.

Hope you feel better soon!!

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I agree with Tammy on all points.  Get to a doctor for evaluation ASAP.  

Feel better and keep us posted.
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