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I am a 22 year old female. i have been experiencing wheezing frequently in the past 2 months. I was not aware that it was wheezing but my friends who were with me at that time said that it looks like wheezing..
Now I am working with an e publishing company. once when i was in the school, i got trapped in the rain and suddenly, i felt pricking sensation in my palms and my respiration rate was faster then usual. The second time i experienced  the same thing after 3 years  when i was walking  in rain in my college.
And after almost one year, i experienced a faster respiration rate when i saw a guy stabbing a girl with a knife. but this time i didnt have the pricking feel in my palms. but i made harsh breathing sound. After this incident, I'm experiencing this frequently. If this is wheezing, why should i get it when i see incidents like this? I'm confused.Please help me out.
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Have you been diagnosed with asthma? If not you should see your md asap. You may have asthma and need a controller medication. Tingling sensation can sometimes be from hyperventilation which can occur if you get stressed. Increased respirations can be from anxiety, excercise but more importantly, can be from air having a harder time getting into your lungs. You do need to get that appt with your doc like, yesterday! If you have an episode again, go to your nearest ER. When you cant breath, nothing else matters! Take good care!
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746512 tn?1388807580
There is many things this could be: asthma, anxiety, panic attacks, hyperventilation etc.

You need a full work-up from your doctor to get some answers so it doesn't happen again.

Let us know how it goes!
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thanks for your advice guys. I consulted a doctor. He says it is because of anxiety and suggested me to consult a good psychiatrist.
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could this be entirely because of stress and anxiety? I'm confused.
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144586 tn?1284666164

The term "good psychiatrist" is an oxymoron.

You have an unclear history.

I would go to a respiratory specialist for a lung function test. Wheezing is not caused by a "psychiatric problem".

As for the other symptoms, everyone has little ups and downs due to stress.

If you go to a psychiatrist you will end up with a psychiatric history and on psychiatric medications.

That option should be the very last one to pursue.
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