1580703 tn?1651904887

why does asthma lead to more infections?

I have asthma and noticed I would sometimes get more infections.
why does asthma lead to more infections?  asthma is an autoimmune disease so shouldn't your immune system be stronger or is your IS somehow messed up in asthma?
I was taking a lot of antibiotics, cipro, doxy, amoxicilin and isoprinosine
asthma seems to be allergic since after returning home after a while I had no symptoms for one month until I got sick and started having asthma/sleep apnea
33 Responses
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144586 tn?1284666164
Steroids, even in small doses, depress the immune system and increase the liklihood of infection. The infections are due to the use of a steroid to control the asthma.
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608104 tn?1352587153
My pulmonologist is encouraging me to request less antibiotics when I get a respiratory virus infection.  If within a week,  my peak flow numbers decrease and my body temperature moves from 97 to 98 or higher and I feel sicker despite a prescription for tapered prednisone, I want to be actually seen by a physician to prevent life-threatening illness.  I like living.
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My idea on this (and I'm saying "idea" because I'm not a medical professional), is that wiht asthma, your production of mucous is greater and it can be more difficult to expel this mucous because of inflamed airways.  Therefore, it tends to remain in the airways more and then when you start getting sick, it is already there for the bacteria or virus to set in.

I do agree with Liz about avoiding antibiotics if you can - the more you are on them, the more your body is going to become immune to them and then when you REALLY need them for a severe infection, they will be much less effective.  Unfortunately, many times anbitiotics are prescribed too often for viral illnesses, for which they do nothing.

cargiver is also correct - if you are on steroids, whether they be inhaled, oral or injected, they will depress your immune system and make you much more susceptible to infections and other illnesses.  If you need to be on steroids for your asthma, the lowest possible dose is the best way to go.

Since you've said your asthma seems to be allergy related, antibiotics definitely will not help.  You need to determine exactly what it is that you are allergic to and avoid those items and/or be treating your allergies.  If you do that, you may notice a decrease in your asthma systems and also the recurring infections.
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1580703 tn?1651904887
my main allergy on blood tests is dust mites and there seems to be this desensitizatin treatment
I think the 30mg prednisone my doctor prescribes me is too high and I think I am going to go with 10mg day in the future- maybe you develop resistance to prednisone also
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1580703 tn?1651904887
yeah I have this bad infection after trying zmax for 6 weeks- it didn't cure my asthma as claimed
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1580703 tn?1651904887
don't vitamin c and echinacea harm your immune system and my cause asthma since they mess up the balance of organisms?
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1580703 tn?1651904887
it's really strange after I went through one 3 week course of 30mg prednisone (30mg-10mg tapered in 3wks) now the 30mg doesn't work for my wheezing!  it's as if I've developed prednisone resistance
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I read that the mucus can cause damage to your airways so it's best to expel as quickly as you can like maybe with dextamorphan or gufalsein
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1580703 tn?1651904887
maybe someone can explain the biochemistry of why asthmatics are prone to more infections and what we can do to fight this?
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1580703 tn?1651904887
thanks everyone for your replies!  
I'm curious though how asthma affects T cell function and things like the balance of gut flora/bacteria
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1580703 tn?1651904887
anyway I am not really sure about the mucus expelling with OTC medications
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608104 tn?1352587153
As well as desensitization injections, dust mite allergies are helped with dust-proofing first the bedroom and then the house. Outdoor exercise in clean air improves your health.  

Get someone else to vacuum and dust your bedroom if you can at least twice a year.  Adding mattress protectors and pillow protectors to your bedding can help.  Linens need to be changed at least weekly.  Dustproof your house by removing draperies, carpet and throw pillows.  We like venetian blinds and honeycomb shades.  I mist dusty floors and sweep them with a broom before rev-ving up the dusty vacuum cleaner.  Change vacuum cleaner bags often.  Clothes can be hung in vinyl cases in your closet. Using the internet for other great ideas is helpful.
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608104 tn?1352587153
Expectorants are medications to help loosen and cough up reactive mucus and include guaiac, licorice, and newer chemicals.  They are found in Mucinex and other over the counter medications.  The pharmacist can also compound expectorants.  Some asthmatics who smoke firmly believe cigarette smoke is a helpful irritant.   Having enough water in our bodies is necessary to keep mucus loose enough to move.  As I get older, I am more dehydrated.  Using steamy showers and humidifiers is another way of keeping mucus loose and decreasing bronchospasms.  Sometimes a brief cold air outdoor walk actually helps.  Too much of a cough suppressant over the counter medicine sometimes can make respiratory conditions worse.
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I think that pollution, car exhaust triggers my asthma.  Is there anything to do about that?  
even on dulera and prednisone right now my asthma isn't controlled and I get headaches- for me mucus isn't a problem
it's like somehow the veins in my head constrict?
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1580703 tn?1651904887
will zithromax and other drugs not work for me in the future since I took it for 6 weeks?
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I guess asthma and migraines are related-
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1580703 tn?1651904887
this doc gave me 30mg of prednisone for 1 wk, 20mg for wk2, 10mg for wk 3 even though I wasn't having an asthma attack
he claimed that it would keep my baseline asthma level constant and keep it from deteriorating but it hasn't done anything
now my wheezing doesn't respond to prednisone
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1580703 tn?1651904887
why is this happening to me?  is it because I was overprescribed zpack and prednisone?
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Asthma is a very complex disease.  It iassociated with an hyper-sensitive immune system, not stronger or better or even necesarily weaker.  You immune system reacts to things that normal people don't react to.  The reactions has complex consequences.  

Asthma is an inflamatory disease.  The inflamation in the lungs causes several things that promote infections.  First it constricts air flow limiting the expelling of germs that cause infection.  It also cause excess mucous to be produced which provides a good habitat for germs to grow.  Some asthmatics have/develop bronchiecstasis - folds or kinks in the airways - where mucous pools and traps germs encouraging more infections.  

The nature of asthma predisposes a person to have more infections.  It is not caused by taking "too many" anitbiotics.  You can cause "super'bugs" that are resistent to certain anitbiotics by not taking antibiotics exactly as prescribed for a long enough period of time.  Make sure that an infection is completely gone before the effective treatment time is over.  For most antibiotics, that means the day you stop taking the medicine.  For Z-packs, that is about 5 days after you take your last pill.  Follow-up with your doctor to be sure your infection is cleared may be necessary.  Many people think they have recurring infections when they are actually not clearing the original one.

Since you have taken Z-pack (azithromiacin) for so long without it helping, you probably have an infection that is resistant to that antibiotic. You may want to request Levaquin or Biaxin next time.  Biaxin taken long term can be very beneficial for some astmatics.  There are several threads about taking clarithromyacin (generic Biaxin) to "cure" asthma.  You may want to read those for more information on the type of asthma that treatment is very effective for.

There are several things that can be contributing to your difficult to control asthma.  You need a good doctor who will work with you and fight for you to get the treatment you need.  Some things you need to discuss with a good doctor are allergy control, Xolair, Aspirin Exacerbated Respiratory disease, and GERD.

I hope that gives you some hope that things can get better.  I have been where you are and I am doing much better after finding the root cause and treating it.  

God bless.
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1580703 tn?1651904887
I was going to get xolair injections but this nasty pulmonologist office dropped me

I got allergy shots for 6 weeks and it didn't seem to do anything
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dear ,i am also asthamatic and taking prednisones from three years ,the does starts from 5 mg and now i am taking 50 mg pills for 15 days after every 6 week  gap,it happens with asthama that your prednisone doeses will increase by time and your asthma will get worse but i think there is only the prednisones and nothing to treat asthma,because in severe asthma  steoroids in puffers dosent work,i am telling u because u should think that u r not alone in your case
hope you  will get better soon
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I want to share my one experience about asthma cure , before  4 years ago I had worse asthma attacks someone told me about saltmine treatment , so I visit to salt mine for 10 day and I spent daily 10 hours in mine it really work and I was feeling like my airways are clear and I can breath without any tightness ,and my medicines starts to go down,my doctor was also surprised , I help me for I year,and after that I haven't enough money to visit that mine again,if it is possible for anyone with asthma they should also try once
best regards
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1580703 tn?1651904887
wow can you get the same effect from saline rinses?
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yes i have done that but that is not much effevtive like saltmine
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