341655 tn?1240368839

why taper prednisone?

Why is it so dangerous to stop taking steroids without tapering.  I've been on 40+mg of prednisone for nearly 3 months and just quit cold turkey...I have a taper schedule but i hate the side effects of the steroids so much.
2 Responses
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144586 tn?1284666164
The literature states this is "very dangerous". In point-of-fact, many people stop cold turkey and have no side effects.
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746512 tn?1388807580
As much as has been explained about steriods in my intro bchem course I would advise not stopping cold turkey.  

The body gets use to having steriods supplied and doesn't make as much naturally that they are important molecules for your immune system and other areas.  By stopping cold turkey, this could cause a severe drop in the concentration of steriods and has been linked to death.
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