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1263062 tn?1289450701

Back at work!!!

So today was my first day back at work.  I started out with positive thoughts, actually got excited to get back out and active again.  By noon I was in so much pain I had to close my office door and turn out the lights and just catch my breath.  Took a Norco at 12:30 brought my pain level from an 8 to a 5 but still couldn't stand it.  Ended up leaving at 2PM.  Not before I was assigned 5-cases that have not been delt with in over two-months.  Bad situation, not sure what is going to happen but I can't continue like this.  I will not be able to get my job done and will end up getting fired.  I work for the state and my surgeon said I can go back with only limitation is not to lift over 10lbs...  My job is a CPS Case Manager even my case files are pretty close to 10lbs but how do you really NOT do that.  What happens if I can't d my job and loose it after being out so long and having so many back surgeries no one else will hire me.  Any suggestions?  I an stressing and getting anxiety issues over this an just don't know who, what, where, to turn.  I am at a loss.
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Sorry to hear about all you're going through. When I went back to work after my ACDF,it was awful. It was for new employer, and I actually had to hid the fact that I had just had neck surgery, because I know they wouldn't have hired me if they knew. It took a very long time to get back in the groove.

You're obviously not ready to go back yet, although I do understand you don't have a choice. Surgeons aren't much help after the fact. What your MRI shows is irrelevant, if you have pain, you have pain.

I hope you're not trying to do this without medication, ideally, you wouldn't have to but this is not an ideal situation. I had to medicate myself in order to work for longer than I care to say, I had to, there was no alternative. Matter of fact, I had to get an increase. It was the only way I could do it, and I'm not an addict, I just had a lot of pain. Sometimes, you have to do what you have to do.

You're being way too hard on yourself, you're not a failure. I understand the situation is critical but to lose your career because you've been sent back to work to soon, would be a tragedy and its not fair. Isn't there someone that could advocate for you, a Primary Physician maybe? Are you unionized, do you have a rep you could talk too? Don't give up so easy, you just need more time to recover. Did you start by working half days?
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1263062 tn?1289450701
What is a P.M. and how do I get that?  Will something PopUp?  New to this but use to be computer literate.  Things change so fast.

My interview went well today.  I think.  She didn't ask much and absolutely nothing about my limitations.  She said that they will order medical records and call if they have any questions.  I also had an interview with "Disability Group" which was one of the first to respond to my request and has agreed to take me on as a client.  So now it is all about sitting back and waiting...  Yea me.

I am still struggeling on the whole disability thing.  I feel in my mind I can go to work but then attempt to do some things around the house and again realize there is NO way.  Today I sat at the Kitchen table for about two hours for my phone interview, emptied the dishwasher, and took the kids to Karate.  I was absolutely exhausted, in so much pain I had to take a hot shower and pain meds x's two - double does - I am again struck down to the reality that I just can not do this stuff and it really *****.  

I guess I am going through the stages.  1st is Denial then acceptance right?  I hope I move along quickly because this crap is killing me....  I am not even lookng forward to the holidays.  I can't go shopping. Cooking meals. Just the thought of the decorating, cooking, entertaining, and traveling has me in knots.  Life *****.  But at least I have my wonderful kids and husband who is putting up with all this as well.

My wonderful Hubby of 23 years is taking the kids to Cali for Fall Break.  Gives me 5-days at home alone to rest up, exercise, and get on track.  I am going to do a w/draw from my pain meds and look towards accupuncture or other means of relief.  I hope this is managable and I dont fail.  Any suggestions on otherways of dealing with the pain and spasms w/out the medications?    I am absolutely terrified of getting addicted since it has been so long {over 6 months} and now I feel as if I can not function unless I take them.  Also, my tolerance is increasing and it takes more to get any relief and even then it isn't total relief so what's the point?  I feel depressed and think the meds might be adding to that...  Any suggestions?  I'm thinking lots of water and cranberry juice and just tough it out while no one is around to witness my grumpyness:)

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1263062 tn?1289450701
Sounds great!!!  Thanks for your post and help.
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Hope your interview goes well, you did say you had an Attorney right? I'll send you a P.M. about my various work escapades, my story's kind of lengthy.

Take Care
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Yes, I know what you mean.  I, too, have worked all my life.  I am almost 55 now, and am working for Maricopa County.  It seems unfair and crazy to have paid into this all these years and now have to practically beg for help when you need it.  Frustrating!!!!!

I had a back injury I sustained five years ago, and have multiple procedures done, and I also was diagnosed with firbromyalgia.  I have other health issues...herniated discs in neck, frozen shoulders.  I also had a torn tendon in my left foot, etc!!  I have heard that everyone is denied the very first time  for ssdi.  I can give you an idea of what questions I was asked in my initial phone interview.  Be prepared with all your drs. names, addresses, dates you saw them, dates and places of all procedures you have ha done, including any physical therapy, injections, m.r.i.'s.   They will ask  you what your day is like now in comparison to before; for instance, are you able to bathe and dress yourself, take care of your personal needs on your own, grocery shop, and do you cook still at all or do you need help with all of these things.  They will ask you how long can you sit and stand for, how far can you walk, if at all, and do you need assistance to walk such as a cane or walker.  Also, the mental side of it, they will ask you questions if you are able to concentrate and focus on your job, if you are sleeping well or not, if you have depression, anxiety.  I think you can see what they are looking for.  I hope this helps you to prepare for your interview.  

If you have any questions, please just write back and ask me.  I remember pretty well what they asked me, so feel free to write!

Coincidentally, AZ Pain specialists is where I have an appointment in a week with Dr. Carlson at the 79th and Bell location.  It is literally right down the street from where I live!!!   Good luck tomorrow.
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1263062 tn?1289450701
Thanks for the post.  It helps to hear of others experiences.  I live in the Buckeye area and currently go to AZ Pain Speciaist on 79th AVE and Bell they seem pretty good.  I have had several procedures and monthly medication updates/refills from them. They treat me with respect and the NP listen to your complaints with out judging.  That's what I have found so far been with them about 7months.  I do have a problem with the fact they will not complete or fill out the paperwork for time off work.  My PCP says go to your Surgeon, my Surgeon says go to your PM doc, my PM Doc say go to your Surgeon.  No body will take the reins on this and I feel as if I am begging for my right to have the needed time off for my body to heal.  It is soooo fustrating.  I am in tears daily, getting more and more depressed.  UGGGHHHH!! it is consuming my life and I want it to stop...

I have my 1st interview with SS tomorrow really quick as I just put in a phone application on Thursday.  I hired a group called "Disability Group" out of California.  I have been accepted as a client and have an interview in the AM tomorrow with them.  Hopefully I can get some peace of mind.  I work for the State and also submitted for LTD hopefully that will not be denied.

I would like to know how your initial inteview with SS went, your diagnosis, and 1st rejection?  I hear that you are always rejected/denied on your first attempt...  Such a crazy world to have to beg for benifits you have worked your whole life for...  I have never been ill like this before, went to work 3-days after my hysterectomy, 2wks after child birth and c-sections, 3wks after tendon surgery on my foot and that was so long due to needing your foot to drive.  I have always been a hard worker and for what?  To be treated as if.....  You know.

Nice to hear from another Arizonian...
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Hi Sandi,  I just recently joined this site, and have read your posts on what you are going through.  I am sorry that you are going through all this pain, and I can relate to what you are experiencing. Please don't be so hard on yourself.  I don't believe that you are the failure, but perhaps, your surgeon was the one who failed to adequately fix your problems.  Just because he wears a white jacket and it says "doctor" doesn't mean that he is right.  If you have pain, there is always a reason for it.  And I think you are on the right track going for a second opinion either with an ortho dr. or a neurosurgeon.

I totally understand what you are going through with your job and trying to work when you have unrelenting pain.  That is me, too, right now.  I just recently took off from my job of five months because I could no longer tolerate sitting (sitting is the worse for me) all day at a computer, and then also, having to stand at a customer counter for several hours with the back and leg/feet problems I have.  

I also applied for SSDI  awhile ago, and all I can say to you is you must be patient and most of all, diligent with your records and determined not to take no for an answer.  That is where I am right now, having been denied the first time out, I am appealing the decision now.  I wish I had hired an attorney the first time around, and would strongly suggest that you look into that first right from the start.  They can expedite your case and they know the ins and outs fo the system.  Do whatever it takes for you to win.  Good luck to you with that.

I notice you live here in AZ, too.  I live in Glendale near Arrowhead Mall.  I am currently looking for a pain specialist to go to next.  I am off on a leave without pay right now, but I can't stay off  for too much longer.  I feel stressed, like I  am in a race to find the answers/solutions for my pain so I can get back to work soon.

Have faith in yourself, and I know the strength it takes to go through these obstacles.  I consider myself a very strong person, also, and feel sometimes like I should be able to do go to work and be like my old self.  But I accept where I am right now, and it is through no fault of my own that I have ended up with these health issues.

I wish you much success.  Please feel free to write me if you feel like you want someone to talk with.
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1263062 tn?1289450701
Hello Kalvin thanks for inquiring.  I have been trying to get back to work but have not been able to.  It seems that for each day or half day that I have attempted it takes two dys to recover.  I am still in a great deal of pain.  Muscle spasms in neck, shoulders and legs.  weakness in arms and legs.  Have had a couple of Migraines.  Have made the determination that I am not ready to return to work.  And I filed for long term disability in addition to SSDI.  I have a phone interview tomorrow with SSDI, not sure what to expet with that??  Any suggestions?  Stories?  I have also made an appointment with a new Ortho Doctor for a secod opinion my current surgeon says that there is NOTHING wrong with me.  I don't undertand this as I am a strong person, normally very active I have been trying my hardest and it just isn't working.  I am guessing this is as good as Ill get and if that is true it's gonna kill me.  Feelin very depressed and trying to work through these feelings of failure.  I am sure i will it will just take time.

I couldn't imagine going back to work for a new employeer and trying to hide the fact that you had the surgery??? How did that go?  How long after your surgery did you go back?  How long did you last?  How did you deal with the pain and headaches?  Narcotic pain medications?  Right now they have me on Norco, Soma, and Cymbalta.  I can't even remember things sometimes, short term memory loss. I try not to take the Soma as often because it makes me very dizzy but then my muscles get so tight I literally have lumps and can physically see the spasms.  Its kinda weird to say the least.  My MRI report show still a nerve impingement in the L5/S1 and mild Stenosis in the surgery sight with moderate amounts of Scar tissue.  I am going to assume this is why I still have problems but for my surgeon to say that nothing is wrong just flabergast me.  I wouldn/t feel like this if nothing was wrong.

Anyother stories or experiences out there of people that have has these same experiences and ended up having to file for disability?  I am concerned that I wont get approved or that I will and that means I really am disabled.  I am only 43 years old and still have many, many years left for my career and life?
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Haven't seen you post in awhile, are you okay?
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1263062 tn?1289450701
Well I did two half days and left today in tears.  I just couldnt handle it.  The pain was so bad I was crying uncontrolably.  I don't know what to do my Surgeon says my MRI is ok only a few buldging disk that arent impinging my spinal canal and some scar tissue.  This pain is real.  I can't seem to get past it. Physical Therapy isn't working.  I am unableto work all day.  I am feeling like a failure and have no support from my surgeon.  I am ata loss.  I feel like I am going to loose everything I worked so hard for and just don't knwo where to turn.  

Has anyone filed for disability due to back surgeries?  Is it really major enough to qualify??  If so, how long does it take?  I don't want to loose my life because I can't suck it up and move on. I wish I could find some easy answers.  Any stories on Disability?  Returning to work?  Life in general after back surgery?  I'd love to hear your stories....  Thanks for reading...  Sorry to sound so desperate.  I just sometimes feel that if I died it would be easier which I know is wrong.  I am just having a moment I guess.  Need to get it together and figure out a way to move forward.
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Its an interesting job u have and a very interactive one it sounds like. While I don't have any answers save for watching out for urself, engaging in proper body mechanics and listening to when ur body is being overtaxed, I do wish u the very best!!!! Plz keep me updated if u would like:)
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1263062 tn?1289450701
I do but he is out until 10/5 but working for the state it really isn't about your boss it's about policy and all the levels of supervision you have to answer too.  I worry if I do talk to someone that they will use it against me as far as what I am able to do.  I have worked for Child Protective Services for a little over 5 years now and really don't know how to do anything else.  The job market is so bad I can't afford to be out of work nor can't afford to loose my benefits.  Thanks for replying and listening.  I guess I am just looking for an easy answer, black and white and there really isn't any.  A  place to compare notes, to vent.  I just hope that if they do work me to hard I am covered and can't loose my benefits.  It is a vey stressful job and just today I was given 5 cases that haven't been touched in over 2-months with home visits due, case plan, mountains of paperwork that needs to be done and I can feel the stress already in ONE day:)
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I'm so sorry hun, I understand ur fear!! Do u have a good rapport built with your boss to talk to ur boss about ur concerns?
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