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Have multi level spinal fusion next week! Help!!!!

Hi,  I'm new to this forum, but not to back problems. Sorry about some of the spelling before I start. I've been suffering with a bad back for 7 years. I'm so looking forward to this surgery. I can't take the pain much longer. Last year it hit the worst. I think that's when my L4,L5 disk went.  The L5,S1 disk went in 2000. I have besides herniated disks, sevior curving of my lower spin, where it's pulling away from my pelvic bone, arthritis in my L4,L5,and S1, caused from stress fractures, degenerative spine disorder, spondylios(sp), and last but not least spinal bifita occulata(sp).  So it's a mess.
  I have had every possible back test thought up by man, and trust me some of them where killers.  Did the epideral injections, brought on diabetes, did physical therapy, tried a chyropractor(sp), he admitted he couldn't help, also recevied a tez unit . I don't for see any other treatments left for me.  Right now I take enough oxycodone, and other type drugs, that it's effecting my personality,bouts of depression, anxiety, paramoid, and making me act like a teenager(I'm 37) also, and after surgery, they have to ween me off them.  It also effecting my job.  They think I'm drunk, NOT! I almost lost my job too!  My friends are really wondering about me, along with my family! I was never like this, before last year and the drugs.
  My question is has anyone else gone through all this h__l?  Has anyone else had this kind of surgery, and did it help?  I don't think I can take much more of this.  Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
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Correction: was a 6 hour surgery got out of recovery at ten pm so it was the next day the physical therapists came in to get me up to walk. Thought I was going to puke. Felt like ****, pain was horrible, legs shook like an earthquake but I know I needed to get up to walk. So I forced myself. The 3 days in the hospital is foggy but I remember at least twice thr physical therapists comming in to get me up and walking. I forced myself to go as long as I possibly could. To this day, the 4-5 times a week I walk I walk for 45 minutes. I'm always sore later. Had my post op appt last week, everything looked good. Got another appt in 3 weeks and I'm going to bring up the pain in my legs and my upper part of my incision. I give positive thoughts and energy to u all!!! *hugs*
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I just got done feb 22nd with a l5/s1 fusion. I have severe bilateral spondylolisthesis with severe bilateral foraminal stenosis due to having the disc degenerate a this level causing signigicant bilateraly root nerve compression. Went to a chiro for 15 months, did physical therapy, spinal injections, alternative healing methods, but it came down to my quality of life and me needing the surgery. I have a metal cage with cadaver bone, titanium rods, and screws. It was a 5 hr surgery. I'm walking 4-5 times a week, losing weight like crazy. Pain meds make my appetite disappear. My whole diethas changed since my surgery. I feel like a vegetetarian, all I want is fresh fruits and veggies. I drink a boost or two a day for the protein. I'm on 4 pain meds of which 2 are break thru meds. I'm 23 days out of surgery and my leg pain began a week ago at nite. That's a horrid pain in and of itself. Thought I had finally goten rid od that pain. My incision is 5-6 inches long. I was only fused at the l5/s1 area but where it hurts the most is up higher at the top of my incision. Feels like the rods and screws are there instead of lower. That happen to anyone? Still have pain levels of 7 or higher everyday. I still force myself to walk cuz I know I need to. This is my story of my first fusion. I was in the hospital 3 days.
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Hey man let me tell u I am 38 and had a L5 S1 spinal fusion done dec of 2008 and had the cage and rod and screws and Im a full time firefighter full time and was terrified to be cut but had no choice and the operation went great and I was out for 4 months and 4 months later ram my first half ironman 70.3 miles so hang in there it works i promise.
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Hey Jen my name is Steve and I had a fusion done 3 weeks ago. It was a 2 level fusion of L5-S1. Iv'e been dealing with back pain for about 7 years now and thought it was time to do something about it. When I woke up from surgery I was hooked up to a morphine pump and was given Oxycontin 40mg twice a day. You wont feel any pain because of the meds you will be on. You will just feel a little uncomfortable being in a hospital bed. I was released from the hospital in 4 days and I am currently weening my way off of the oxycontin. This has been the hardest thing for me to do. I don't know why people perscribe this stuff because you get hooked immediately. I tried quitting cold turkey but that didn't work as I"ve been having the chill's cold sweats and didn't know what to do with myself anymore. Now I'm on 10mg once a day and it's getting a little better. As far as the pain I would say on a scale of 1 to 10 I would say it's a 2 right now. The only problem I'm having now is I have tingling and numbness in my feet and Im going to see the neurosurgeon today about this. If you have any other questions you can e-mail me at ***@****.
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First off I am so sorry for your pain. It hurts me to think of it.  I hope you all do better and find relief.

I'm 33 yrs old. At 27 my back just gave out & since I've got a discogram, disc decompression, nerve blocks, injections, PT, etc. I worked for my job -2 times w/6mo off.  The work docs of course said I was too young and just need to stretch :|  12/18/08 my back gave out for good started pt w/more injection but now it was my low back and my hip/butt/leg/whole leg nerve.  I got better in May I could not only touch my toes but the floor.  I was ecstatic I won the fight.  

Then in June I movd the wrong way & flared up until now.  I thought going  back to PT last week I'd be ok.  (wishful thinking cuz I am terrified of the fusion).  Plus I had been addicted to the stupid norco (I was on 12 a day for a few years) so I was running out it wasnt helping.  So I started suboxone after w/drawl after w/drawal.  I wasnt myself on them and now I have to get off the sub (which now my body has a block to getting full pain relief from meds) and I fought all that time getting off to have to get back on now :(

Now this is what are the facts.  I have to go back in a couple weeks to set up my appt for a fusion for my L4 L5/L5 S1.  I have DDD so there is nothing left to the above, and below herniation, slipped disc, stenosis, fractures, etc.  I'm getting it done by a surgeon from Northwestern in Chicago.  (the other surgeon was only going to do one level didnt even see the fractures - scary!)

I am scared to death.  Of waking up paralized. W/nerve damage.  With the PAIN.  The getting back to being able to walk and go somewhere.  This has taken so much of my youth already.  I want to get married and have a child.  I hear so many horror and then some good stories.  My surgeon says each person is different and I have to do it now when its a choice and not my only option as I'm getting worse :( :( :( I dont have a specific accident but may not remember there were times I was hurt just dont remember the back but you never know.

My questions for anyone that has had the L4 L5 S1 done or any lumbar etc done.  Or anything I guess for that matter.

When you wake up in the hospital is the pain unbearable?  For how long?
I dont think I can go home as I wont be able to walk up/down stairs will I?
How hard was it to walk the next day when they get you up?
How long until you were able to actually walk up and down stairs or to go to a restaurant and sit down and eat?

I am just terrified.  Shock is still there but a little more subdued now I'm in a mode where I feel the need to start going through everything I own and cleaning it out and making lists of what to do and so on in case things dont work out and I cant move around normally again or for a very long time.

Any input would be appreciated.  I've read everything but still curious about the stairs, pain, etc.  Thanks so much in advance.
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I injured my back an neck many years ago. Through 5 surgeries and countles injections I have my L2-3-4-5-S1 and C5-6-7 fused. Two plates, 4 rods, 6 cages, 4 bone transplants from my hips and two cadaver transplants, 5 bone plugs and 16 screws! I now need my C3-4 fused badly but I know that will eventually mean my C4-5 will fail as well. The two disks above my L2 are in really bad shape as well.  Although I am in constant pain I take nothing stronger than Aleve 95% of the time but I am about at the end of that rope. Clearly I could get a lot more meds but I can't think well when on pain meds and don' t like to feel "stoned". There has got to be a better way. There seems to be nothing between anti-inflamatories (NSAIDS) and hydrocodone!;or between fusions and just constant pain. I am even willing to try something experimental before going back on hydrocordone or opium, or getting cut open again. At 52 I am not ready to give up on life! Ihave a Ph.D. and still can't find any reasonable research. I was hoping that people such as your selves who alolive wih this problrm may be of help.

If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate hearing them. Please respond with any sugestions, doctors or clinics, preferably in Louiiana but I am not choosy at this point!. I wouled even go back to pain pills at this point if I have no other choice! Anyhting has got to help. Thank you in advance for your support.

Dr. Bobby Savoie, Ph.D.
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