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Pain In sacriliac joints of back after surgury

Hi bug here...I have had 3 surguries on my large intestines one baseball sized ovarian cyst(cut the top off and drained) and now cysts on left kidney. Since the beginning off all this mess and after my first surgury in 2004 I have had very vey bad pains in the sacriiliac joints(2 joints on backside.. sorry spelled wrong I think) on one side or the other but never the same sides at once  (the dimples above my bum :-)anyway they come and go but never leave for good. When it hits it hits hard and can keep me down for a few days up to weeks!!! no-one has a clue what to tell me and sometimes I think Im bringing it on myself...you know when you leave the doctors office and they tell you nothings wrong. Has anyone ever experience this kind of pain in these to joints in your back? what does it come from and how do I make it go away and stay away???? thanks ahead of time for any info on that area you can provide..................bug
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I suffer with sacriliac joint pain.

I have tried Prolotherapy but this did not work.

The exercises I have tried don't seam to help.

I am waiting for an appointment to have an injection(steriod)

Has anyone heard of a process where the nerves are heated up to kill them.

I had a similar process carried out on my facet joint which is a common practise but I can not find anything like this for the sacriliac joint.

I would be interested in any exercises that work.( i.e the clock exercise mentioned earlier
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Hi Bug and Annie....The year was 1974, I was 18 years old and had to undergo surgery for a slipped dis.  Back then they didn't replace it with anything.  So I ended up with bone-on-bone.  We fast forward to December 7th, 2005.  I undergo surgery once again to fuse together the L5-S1 area.  After about 2 weeks after returning home from the hospital, I went back to the hospital because I was in such PAIN.  I spent Christmas '05 in the hospital.  (Thank God I have a great husband)  I have been in pain ever since this time.  It is all in my Sacroiliac area and radiates to my front hip area and down my buttocks as well.  After 11 months of my Dr. telling me he was stumped, he finally referred me to a Pain Management Dr.  He injected a steroid into the sac joint the day of my first visit.  I worked for about one week.  The right side started to feel pain after one week and then the left side followed.  The injections were painless.  Upon going back to him in two weeks, he recommended that I consider an implant of a spinal cord stimulator.  ALRIGHT GUYS!!!  I know I'm not a Dr. but can someone run an actual test...via, MRI, CAT SCAN...something!  I just decided the other day to go to the University of Chicago and see a spinal specialist there.  When I called his office his nurse told me to go to my family Dr. and ask him to order an MRI.  I did...he did..I had it done one day later and am now waiting for the results and my appointment in Chicago!  In the past year, I've been on Oxycodone (which I had to kick) and now I'm on Hydrocodone, Naproxen and, oh yes, Lyrica for the nerve damage in my leg from the spinal fusion surgery.  YIKES!  I sure feel for you all.  It's been a true nightmare and I hope and pray that this new Dr. can find out what happened.  Best of luck to you all and keep me updated on your progress, as I will you too!
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thanks for your comments annie...yes I have heard of the shots you are talking about but im a big chicken lol!!!! I have been stuck, cut, poked and drained over the past few years so I am weighing my options carefully lol!! if the PT doesnt work im thinking that will be my next choice. If I may ask what caused your back problem? .........bug
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I also have had SI problems for a very long time.  The only relief I received early on was from a Chiropractor.  It took a few adjustments, but it really worked.  After years of adjustments and a surgery the only thing that helped was an injection into the joint, I think it was some kind of steriod.  That took the pain completely away for almost a year.  The exercises and stretching help between flair ups.  I tried the physical therapy thing and the joint would not stay in.  The pain you are feeling is actually from the muscles trying to compensate for the dislocation of the joint.  Anti-inflammatories help some people if you can take them.  It may take a few doses and getting it in your system to get some relief.  Hope this helps.
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Thanks so much for getting back to me.....Its a area that no-one seems to know alot about. I will check that PT thing out. I had never had any back problems until I had that first surgury and it worried me that they had messed something up for good. The position of the surgury had me bent backward to a extreme awkward position and I had even lost some feeling in my right hip when I got home. but I was told one had nothing to do with the other lol. They did a tremendeous job other than the back thing so I count my luck stars!!!! thanks agian for the info!!!!.................bug
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Also, the injection didn't hurt at all, but I don't mind needles.  A rhuematologist gave me the shot and must have been good at it, because it helped right away.
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Childbirth is the only thing I can figure.  I have found it is very common.  My husband fell off a ladder and started having problems and went to a chiro and had success too.  I was in law enforcement and couldn't take meds, so the chiro was my option.  It has been about 15 years and it only acts up every once in a while now.  PT may work for you since it is a new problem, if you find a good one they are wonderful.  I felt really good right after treatment, but it didn't take long for it to go out again.  The therapist even said I had a stubborn joint, but it was due to waiting a long time for treatment.
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I have had that problem on & off for 4 years.  The sacral & sacraliliac joints on me tend to lock up(and try to fuze together)I see a great physical therapist for this and other problems.  He just does some stretches and stuff but I have to do certain excercises for the rest of my life.  They only take about 5 minutes 2x a day so it's not a big deal.  One of them is called the clock. I think that I have seen it on the web while searching for piriformis muscle stretches.  I would say see a PT first to make sure everything is in line and he can teach you how to keep it that way. If I miss my excercises it doesn't take long to mess myself up again.  Good Luck.
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