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27 Responses
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2217718 tn?1347839311
Were you diagnosed with all that, or is that your symptoms? I started having migraines around September of 2011. I did an MRI and CT scan checking for MS and brain tumor it was a scary process and I developed anxiety bad. My Dr ordered an X-ray on my neck because I was having burning and pain in my shoulder blade that was unbearable. The X-ray showed my spine was straight so they ordered an MRI witch showed Multilevel Inter vertebral Degenerative disc disease, Small annular fissures at C4-5 and C5-6, and my spine had mild straightening probley from muscle spasms. I was sent to a pain specialist who wanted to inject my muscles and give me sleeping pills pain pills and muscle relaxers. I wouldn't let him give me shots cause I was scared, and I don't like taking pills so I refused them. I started PT and it seemed to help but then I started getting tingling and numbness after going. So I went to my check up to the pain specialists and he blew up on me because i started going to PT. He said he could of damaged me more. He asked if I was taking the pills and I said no. He told me I wasted his time and mine because he cant help me. I received a letter saying he will no longer be seeing me. He was so mean to me. Now that my PT is over I feel worse with knots and burning.
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i am a 21 year man with back pain, once in a year i experience severe pain on left side of my back.then i visited the doctor,he gave me medicines,still i have pain.What will be the problem.
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1052851 tn?1307741160
I have had a chance to read all the posts, and I can relate to them. I am in cronic pain, taking various pain meds, but they started to cause irritation to my stomach. One thing I would suggest is consideration of Medicinal Marijuana. I take it and it helps very much with the pain and I can sleep at night with taking less valium to get sleep, and my stomach I think is better off.

BTW - I have severe osteoporosis, Damage/breakage to C2 & C3, T4,T5,T6,T8, DDD, broke my shoulder, and am constantly breaking toes and fingers.
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1629578 tn?1299814894
My quick story to share about my fusion, I know most of you may not have scoliosis but I had a fusion also.

I had harrington rod/fusion surgery for scoliosis almost 23 years ago. In the last 10-15 + years, I have had terrible complications from the surgery, neurosurgeon calls it flatback syndrome. My 2 rods start at T3 and end at L2, they took bone off my left hip at the time of surgery to fuse the spine.

I have been in and out of doctor's offices, counselors, physical therapy, seen many massage therapists, chiropractors, multiple prescription use, and also have used many modalities of alternative medicine because I suffer from chronic pain all the time, fibromyalgia symptoms, myofascial pain (tons of knots in the muscles...everywhere), pinching and burning of nerves and especially around the rods/fusion and my legs, extreme dizziness/vertigo, migraines that last for weeks, TMJ disorder, bulged disks, abnormal forward curvature (at least 30%) of the cervical spine, degenerating disks, pre osteoarthritis, arthritis, bursitis, sciatica, numbness , burning, and tingling of extremities, muscle fatigue and weakness/atrophy, edema, shortness of breath, thyroid issues, gall bladder issues, hypoglycemia, poor concentration, memory problems, moodiness and depression, sleep issues... I think that just about covers it all :(  I never had any pain or any issues before my surgery, even though I was only eleven.   Many other scoliosis friends that have had fusions are suffering with the same things as well because of the long term outcomes.
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Thanks for sharing...Most of the time I do suffer with back pain problems,so from now onwards I will be following the tips shared bu you. Thanks alot!

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My skin gets really blotchy and red whenever i itch it even a little. ltly it like that all the time coming and going. Can someone pls tell me why this happens. A friend of mine told me it was because it was dry. It usally happens around my neck area shoulders and upper back
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My recommendation for anyone who has neck and back pain is chiropractic care. Not only have I been a chiropractic patient since I was 12 years old when I was in a sledding accident, but I worked for a chiropractor for 4 years. Even though I have always gotten relief for my pain from chiropractic care I didn't really know its effectiveness until I worked in a chiropractic clinic. I was amazed when I saw patients come in who were miserable because they could barely walk because of pain and be able to walk out with a smile because their symptoms were either gone or greatly diminished.
I myself was in two auto accidents with 2 herniations and 13 bulging discs between the two accidents. I receive chiropractic care and physical therapy for both accidents even though the neurologist recommended surgery. I'm not saying that surgery isn't necessary because there are definitely situations that require surgery, however personally I wouldn't want someone cutting into me if there was the slightest chance that there was another way to relief my pain.
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that last comment was for mommy52....i dont know why it dropped  to: in the post????
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I have 2 herniated disc in my neck as well as other back problems but will just stick with the neck issues for now.  I have about the same symptoms as you do (sharp pain shooting in my arm pit...down my arm a bit, forearm and fingers going numb etc) i also get really bad migraines when i am flared up really bad...not to mention the neck pain.  Anyway you had asked for any info on anything that might help.   I have had epidural steroid shots before and have just started getting them again ( i had one about a week ago)
if done by a good doctor in a good clinic they can put you under and you will not feel it at all.  The shots can help a lot with the nerve issues.   I am also on neurotin  and after less than a month it has really controlled the nerve pain to almost nothing while im on it.  It takes a few days to get use to but don't give up on it the first day.  Last....at the level of pain you are having vicodin wont do a thing....i want to use stronger language here but it will behave.   I would ask your doctor to refer you to a pain doctor and I am sure he will be able to help you much more.  Percocet  10/325 is pretty helpful.  There are other things that they can give you also that can help that are much stronger and controlled release so that you are getting even pain relief all day.  After you get the nerve pain under control you might find that you will need less meds.    Also my sister just had surgery very close to yours and it took her quite a while for the swelling to go down and was having a lot of pain post surgery for about 2 months.  She was having internal swelling that was causing pressure on the nerves etc.  After a few months things started to calm down and she is doing much better than before the surgery.  it just took a long time to fully heal.  She was in the hospital for almost a week ( it was to be 1 day) due to all of the swelling she had from it and it causing breathing (and eating) problems.  I pray you are on your way to healing a bit more every day.   ( i would look into a pain doc in your area still.....you may need it for quite a while after both surgeries)  i still cant believe they are only giving you vicodin post surgery.  My husband had a spinal fusion of his lower back  and he still has a lot of pain every day.
He was to the point that he was losing all function in his right leg and that was totally restored so it was very much worth it, but he still has a good deal of pain in his back.
He does see a pain doc also and they help him quite a bit....he is back to working full time +   and moving much better than he was before surgery.
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1295655 tn?1272467246
Anyone got piriformis syndrome? ? Mine is posttraumatic piriformis syndrome. Really it is SCIATICA but the sciatic nerve is trapped at the point in the bum where the piriformis muscle crosses it not higher up in the spine as in disc prolapse. The symptoms are similar but no back pain just bum, hip and groin pain. Because of this I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and it has take a long hard slog to get here, where at least I am happy with that diagnosis. I knew it wasn't my back. I had a microdiscectomy ( L5 S1) 7yrs ago so I know that pain too well.
I still can't get my consultant spine surgeon to agree with this diagnosis. He doesn't believe it exists. I think Dr's in the states are more clued up on piriformis syndrome.
I think I need an op to remove scar tissue and leisions from the muscle as all conservative therapies have not worked. Acupuncture was a nightmare. Haven't had the botox injection tho' yet. I have also heard that MR neurography scan could identify this syndrome as it shows the nerve image. Anyone had it or know about that kind of scan.
Love to hear from you
Thanks Helen
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can you become paralyzed by having this type of block?  I had 4 strokes in june and am fallining still, hence the injury to my spine. but i'm scared is they do this i might be paralyzed again.  i was paralyzed completely on my left side and have almost come back from that. so naturally - i'm scared for anyone to touch my spinal chord. ya know. if someone could please comment back, it would be real helpful!
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I've had chronic back pain for over 10 years now. I treated my back pain with exersise and walking. I've also taken a vicodin about 30 a month. Some days I don't need to take any pills but other days I need to take up to three. My Kaiser doctor recently asked me to come in for a consultation. He told me that he thinks I should stop taking vicodin and wants to refer me to physical medicine (what is that?). I am at a loss. I have been under his care for over 3 years with the same treatment and prescription amount. I've not asked for more nor do I think I need more. I do know that the vicodin helps me. He made me feel like an addict... I don't get why the sudden opinion on my treatment. Im starting to doubt myself. All I know is that my back pain can be so severe at times that i'ts hard to stand from a sitting position and walk. I've had MRI and CAT scans. No disc protusions so the doctor said it's all muscular. The doctor did say the CAT scan shows that I was born with a very minor case of Spina Bifida. He states that that wouldn't cause pain. Has anyone heard of this?

I live in the San Gabriel Valley. I am going to change insurance. Can anyone recommend a doctor that will be more understanding.
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I don't think I have heard of that treatment. Since 1997, I have worked as home health and managed care nurse for 7 years and just recently I worked as a Hospice Nurse for 2 1/2 years. Was terminated for spending too much time with patients. I laso have some "mental" problems...Severe depression, high anxiety. ?bi-polar disease. It has become so bad, my psychiatrist say he doesn't know if I will ever be able to return to my nursing.

As for the fusions..I have one that needs fusing (4/5). My spine from neck to tailbone has spurs, some larger than others.I have been diagnosed with DDD an DJD. i DO SO LOVE GOING TO THE BEACH AND LOUNGING IN SUN. It seems to help joints, or maybe that's all in my confused head.

Please let me know about this treatment you spoke of. I am to have a total knee replacement when my fusion heals. I had it done 9-11-09 . I am interested in that procedure though. If it works for me, would sure beat fusions.Keep in touch.
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I have had great relief with Cervical Facet Radiofrequency. I get nearly immediate pain relief and the range of motion increase is a nice bonus.  I have herniated c4/5 & c5/6 haven't had them fused yet and hope not to need it in the future.  
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OOPS ! I wanted to add this forum to my watch and to join the community

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In "98 I had fusionof  C 4-5 and 5/6. One did not fuse, so they went ack in and posterly they repaired thebad one. I had been fine until I fell in 2/07. That's when the pain started. My orthopedic referred me to neurosurgeon, he told me he wanted myelogram--that was done.He mentioned surgered and I told hiok, thinking they would allow me to cal them and let then know I was ready. Well she called me and told me my surgery was to be on 7/9. Irefused. Wasn't hurting that bad at this time.Now that appt. was on 6/28/09, I think. She told her he wanted to do ASAP. On 9/11 I had a fusion at C 3-4. I was Steroids for swelling in hospital. Discharged 9/13 and was fine until 9/13. Soft tissue swelling at site was pressing on throat and I couldn't eat or drink at risk of it going down the wrong way.
I took it upon myself to see an ENT. When you start messing with my breathing, somethings got to be done. He put me on Prednisone. I am better with eating and drinking. Tonight it started back, It's like the airway is closing. I think I will see the ENT tomorrow if still persits. With all that's happened, I would do it again in a heartbeat. The pain is so horrible. When this heals,I have got to have C 4-5.I wish he would do it tomorrow. My husband doesn't understand the pain and sometimes I thinks it's not real. That hurts.I hope I haven't said too much. If I have you can let me know. I understand the pain and suffering each of you have spoke of. One said something about surgies would never end, I think. That's right. I have DJD and DDD. I have found that if I raise my L. arm over my and rest it there, it helps some.I am now taking Loratab 10mg (2 tabs) and Flexaril 4mg. They don't even ease thepain. Sometimes I am able to go to sleep for 1-2 hours and pain there again.I have tried just about every spray, cream and patch. Does anyone have any suggestions? A doctor once told me nothing (pain meds ) would help, but surgery to get pressure off the nerve. The pain goes down my L. arm,the bicep area hurts so bad and my fingers are numb. Again if any one of you know of something for the pain. HELP !!!

Blessings to each of you,
Mommy 52
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I had in 2001 disk replacement w/fusion surgery at L5-L6. After walking on a cane for 4 yrs it was good to finally get some relief after spending 3 months in bed after surgery. I am doing good and it would stay that way if I'd quit doing things I'm not supposed to do. I have been diagnoised with degenerative spine and have been told there will never be a last surgery for me. I guess that was a correct statement as I have just had on Sept 1st C5-C6 replacement anterior (they cut my throat) and put in a replacement disk that looks like a lifesaver and the hole in the middle is filled with bone from my iliac(hip) no donor bone for me.....the surgeon said. and I am working on recovering but this surgery was alittle more difficult because there were actually 2 disks that needed replaced and we decided to do only one so as not to put to much pressure on the spine at one time and also so that it wouldn't be so dangerous. Well since I can't listen we didn't want my head to be very unstable. I mean if you think about it once they take you apart it's like having your head on a stick...I know that sounds terrible but it's true, hence the reason for the hard neckbrace. I was in the grocery store with my husband a couple of days ago and of course I had to wear my collar when I am in a car and some lady laughed at me which made me very angry, she said, I hope you get alot of money!! Confused for a moment I looked at her and said, yeah, it only cost me $45,000 for them to cut my throat and replace my disk. Embarrased she took off down the aisle and out of sight. However, I am getting better every day, it is slow go and will take approximately a year for all of the pain and numbness to subside by then the other disk will need replaced.
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I was in a car accident with a tracker trailer about one month ago and the doctor found that I have mild stenosis of c5-6. I have full movement capability but I find that I have deep pain it radiates from the back of my head to somewhere in between my shoulder blades. I also have migraine headaches. The pain is not always there. What is my long term prognosis from the point of view of someone who is experiencing similar symptoms?
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49 yr. old with recent fusion riding bicycle for leg exercise, impacted horizontal rail breaking right arm when hip and body came together with arm and rail, emergency set arm and added splint. Q.#1. do i have to get cast or is splint and extra care enough? Q#2. could the hardware added to my back come apart from this or a fall? I figured I was just sore but there is a sharp pain when moving from sitting to standing. I was feeling alot better and this happened, no ins. no job until arm heals........help don't know what to do...............
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I only want to say try accupunture! I would have never done it or considered it in the past but when you are desperate and in pain you will try anything! I was in so much pain I conteplated suicide and out of desperation I was willing and this was my last bit of hope. It does not fix the problem but it does help with the pain and when I went to my first appointment I still felt the pain but KNEW it was different few appointments later I was feeling great! I tried another accupunturist that was closer to my home and she did not do good for me so I guess it is all in who you get. But it did save my life! I have c6-7 fused and c5-6 with the new disc replacement. I went through sooooo many doctors who always did MRI and X-Rays all from my shoulders down because that is where I was feeling the pain and my arms and hands were also affected to where it hurt to pick up a coffee cup and so doctors had casted my arm and said I had tendenitis and here all along I finally get a doctor over a year of constantly in emergency rooms said everything you are explaining is coming from your neck and so then he found it and did the surgery and I am much better now but I think I would have stuck with just the accupuncture and slowed my life down a little bit. Hope this info helps
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My story may help some...  http://cervicalspinalfusion.blogspot.com/
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922623 tn?1243724331
hey guys just lookin to c if anyone can help. for past year my back has hurt more and more and i it starts at my waist down both my legs usually the left more but its a sever stabing pain my foot will go numb alot and i havent stood up straight since it started. my real prob is pain medicens do work and it helps me walk alot longer before i feel like im gonna get sick. but after about a week or so the meds dont seem to do anything..im takin vicoden and muscle relaxers. cycobenziprine i think,  i didnt know if anyone had same kinda issue.
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LOL, just noticed I said my burning thigh is driving men nuts.  I meant to say driving me nuts.  I'm a little red faced!!
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It's me again, just wanted to see what anyone with past experience with my type of symptoms that include: upper and lower back pain and being woken up 3-4 times per night with left thigh numbness and a feeling like my leg is on fire.  It's now started on my right knee.  Now when ever I sit for more than 10 minutes and then try to walk, I feel like something's torn behind my knee.  I limp around like i'm 90 or something.  The MRI of my knee was totally normal so it has to be the same pinched nerve thats causing the problem.  The MRI results of my cervical spine were as follows: C3-4, minimal disc space narrowing with a small disc protrusion somewhat eccentric to the right of midline. C4-5, mild disk narrowing. there is a small annular fissure at midline.  C5-6, Mild disc narrowing.  There was a disc protursion on the left of midline which causes mild canal stenosis and impinges on the left hemicord. There is also left foraminal stenosis. The radiologists impression was: Degenerative changes in the cervical spine.  The most significant finding is at C5-6 where a disc protrusion causes mild canal stenosis and impinges on the left hemicord.  The lumbar spine showed mild formaminal stenosis at L4-5 and L5-S1.  Overall impression was degenerative changes in the lower lumbar spine resulting in mild bilateral foraminal stenosis at L4-5 and L5-S1.  I know it would probably take a radiologist to decipher all this for me, but has anyone delt with similiar MRI results and what did they do to treat you.  The study may say mild stenosis and mild disk protrusion but it feels a hell of a lot worse.  Plus the numbness and burning thigh thing is driving men nuts.  thanks everyone for listening.
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