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really worried!!! issues with birth control and periods and worried about potentially being pregnant?

Ok, so I was prescribed to Lo-Ovral birth control for my endometriosis.  I'm taking it in doses that supress my ovaries so that I only get my period every three months.  My doctor told me that the day my next period started to start taking the pills.  I was expected to get it on august 24, but on the 22 I had some bleeding.  I assumed my period was coming early (its never regular so I just assumed this) and started the pill.  Later that day I realized that I was no longer bleeding and that it must have been spotting.  The next morning I took the second pill anyway.  I called my doctor that day and he said that the point I was at it didn't really matter, that I could stop taking it and wait for my period, or I coult continue taking them anyway; he said that either way there would be some sort of irregularness.  I feel like my period should come really soon, I'm having really painful cramps like I usually do before and during my period, have a lot of breast tenderness, and I'm a little bit bloated and have the other typical pms symptoms.  But I'm freaking myself out, getting worried that I could be pregnant.  I'm worried now, even though I don't think I should be.  My sex life is very minimal and finishing never happens for me or my boyfriend because I have too much pain so I can't last very long at all, or do it very often either.  On the 20 me and my boyfriend had sex with a condom and he did not even come (as I had to stop from pain), and that was four days before my expected period, so that can't be possible can it? a couple days before that we messed around and he went inside me for like a minute without anything on but it was extremely short and he did not come inside me at all.  Aside from those too instances, there is nothing else that I could possobly worry about, but there's no way that I could be pregnant, right?  I'm just worrying because it is the 24 today and still no period (its often late, and I realize that my stress isn't helping that)  but since I've been taking the pill I've also been really nauseous but I wasn't sure if that was a pill side effect or a pregnancy symptom.  I was throwing up the night of the 22 which also worried me but that was accompanied by a fever so I think it was maybe just a bug or something weird that I ate that day.  I don't know I'm just worried!! Will the pill make my period even later?
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Bascially, can someone give me advice or answer my questions about my taking the pill before my period started? It still has not started and sometimes is up to a week late.  Could the pills stop me from getting this period? I am on an 84 pill pack, so if it does, I won't get my period until november.  I am so confused and really worried.  Is there a chance I could be pregnant? I am freaking out because If I won't get a period until november, I will never have a period to be sure that I'm not. AH :(  I just had sex last week, is it too soon to take a hpt?  
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Please help! please please! I'm only 18 and I'm really worried and really stressed I need some answers I'm really worried :(
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