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IUD- Mirena discharge

I have had a Mirena IUD for 2 years. The past 2 months I have had frequent watery discharge.  I went to the doctor and he said that the IUD can give you all kinds of strange discharge.  Is anyone else having this problem?
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19778644 tn?1484164424
Just had to post regarding my recent IUD experience - hoping my lessons will help someone else.

I had a Mirena IUD put in in February 2016 because I have very heavy bleeding every three weeks - to the point where I bleed through everything for two days. The options were:

- Mirena IUD
- Birth control pills
- Ablation (heat destruction of the lining of my uterus)

I don't need birth control because my husband has had a vasectomy, birth control pills have given me gallstones in the past and I wasn't sure I was ready for surgery so I tried the IUD. I got it at Planned Parenthood at BC Women's Hospital for $300. I spotted for about six weeks and then for the last year have only had a very light period every four to six weeks which was a relief. I have had cystic acne on my neck and back since getting the IUD in as well, so while that was better than bleeding to death, it was not the best situation.

About three months ago I started noticing an increase in vaginal discharge that was watery and a pain because I typically had to wear a liner. I thought maybe it was bladder leakage but no, definitely not pee. The last few months I haven't felt well, in fact I went to the hospital ER in December with lightheaded, low grade fever and pain in my chest and abdomen area - nothing was found. Yesterday I came home from work, was pissed off about how much I "was leaking" and declared "that's it - the IUD is coming out!!"

I called my GP this morning for an appointment - nothing until next week. I called around to clinics in the Langley area until I found a doctor that would take it out (hard to find). Finally I found Dr. Bushra at Fraser Medicine Centre at 202 and Fraser Hwy. Drove down, walked in, explained her what was going on - she said maybe there's an infection? I said, I don't care one way or another I want it out. I will bleed to death for two days a month and pray for menopause. She took the IUD out and said - yes very bad infection I'm surprised you are up and moving around. She put me on two different antibiotics for 14 days (no alcohol) and I have to go back for a check up in 10 days.

So the long and short of it is - if you do choose to get an IUD and you have any type of unusual discharge - go get checked out right away. I have had this infection for over three months - felt like **** and had no idea that my symptoms were not "normal".

I am so happy that in two weeks I "should" feel better than I have in months.

So I'm off to take probiotics, vitamin C and masses of antibiotics, sleep and drink water and look forward to January 25th when I just might be myself again!!
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I have had my iud for 7 years. Switched once 2 years ago. The past 4 months I have horrible watery discharge, they took samples and couldn't find any issues, asked if I could just deal with it. I finally threw in the towel 4 days ago and had it removed. They said nothing looked wrong but could still see all the fluid. I now have a mix of the same fluid and bleeding. I'm hoping after a few more days it will clear up. Is that what you noticed?
Hi there, curious to know if the watery discharge went away after removal of the IUD?
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Yes have you're partner incert  two of his fingers .He will locate  the strings  and gently pull it out.no discomfort.
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I have this too. I am now 20 and have the mirena for a bit longer than 2 years. The first half a year was fine, still got my period but it was allright. After this I started getting so much discharge, sometimes really watery and sometimes thick and white. Because of this I don't dare to let my partner touch me. Even when it is fine, just because I am to scared that it will come back.
I so have had yeast infections this whole time, they put me on a 6 month course of fluconazole 150 mg, which normally is only given once. This helps a little bit but the moment I dont take them it's back to infections, so bad that I can't sit, stand or walk anymore.
Also my periods became really irregular and with lots of pain. Before I never had mood swings, pains everywhere and huge cravings, I used to have a bit of pain in the first half a year but it wasn't that much, also my periods where regular and I didn't have the discharge. Now it is just so much that it causes problems for my relationship. Tomorrow I am going to make an appointment to get it taken out and get back on the pill since I don't want a baby for another 3 years, than me and my partner want to start but not yet.
The mirena coil is the worst decision I have ever made. One and a half year of pain and suffering and I am not going to let that go on for longer than necessary.
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Yes I'm experiencing the same thing. The whole spotting fr two weeks and discharge with little Oder.!sex drive not the same anymore! Feel bloated, with sensitive breast. Been on it for one whole year but this is my second time on the iud.! Had it in after my first child for 4 years lived it but took it out didn't go back on birth control and got pregnant 6 months after had my son in November put the iud back in but notice all this happening the the first time with it never gave me this much problems
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Feels good knowing Im not the only one but Im also having white clumpy discharge an Im std free.. An my periods are way more frequent! Im always going to the doctors an they tell me its normal but very annoying! I dont understand why.. Thinking its a good idea to get it out?
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Feels good knowing Im not the only one but Im also having white clumpy discharge an Im std free.. An my periods are way more frequent! Im always going to the doctors an they tell me its normal but very annoying! I dont understand why.. Thinking its a good idea to get it out?
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Hey ladies! I'm also experiencingredients both the white, clumpy discharge and occasionally the watery discharge. I've also been to the doctor but they keep saying it might just be a little yeast build up. Have you guys found ways to avoid this, or make it less frequent yet?
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Yes I being having the IUD for seven years . I have alot of different discharge and I catch bacteria infection,  but I like it because it have no hormones in it
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Hi I have had my iud in for almost 4 years now ever since I got it in I only had my period once that was it but I notice I have lots a pain in my chest,stomach I have been to doctors and test and they keep saying it has nothing to do with my iud, I got my gallbladder out about two years ago cause the doctor said that's where the pains r from I still get these pain and I was sick for about 4 weeks this happen a month ago and even been on so many different meds even for my ear cause I now having hard times hearing witch I know that has to be something else but now the doctor is telling me I have a bacteria in my stomach so my question is what kind of bacteria have u had??
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I seriously read almost every comment, and feel much better I seriously thought something was wrong with me I've been having all kinds of weird color discharge for 3 weeks straight everyday white, yellow, clear, now bloody but no foul smell what so ever. Just really messy I've had cramps headaches, back aches, no periods and started breaking out my 2nd year in with the iud.. Always had clear/white discharge but here and there never consecutively. I'm making and appointment tmrrw morning with my GYN to check up on this hopefully no infections.. If this is just a side affect and there's no foul smell then I'm still willing to keep it I'll juss wear pantie liners. Because this is the easiest birth control for me..
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Hi girls ....I am 20 years old I ha  the mirena in for about 2 years...I hat  having sex because I don't like th  smell I give off because of the mirena..I keep getting UTIs or bv. It's because of the blood that is left over but now I am having discomfort in my abdominal and now I have this thick brown blood...I thought it was my period my when I where a pad nothing comes out...when input on a tampon it's on the tampon...I l we there's no blood....I wipe no blood I really don't know what to do and what's wrong please can someone share some light
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I have a mirena as well. I have not only gained weight but the smelly underwear is horrible. It's so unsexy. When I laugh hard or sneeze I pee myself.
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I too am experiencing the same symptoms.  I can not stand constantly having to wear panty liners.  I feel as if I am constantly urinating on myself.  Is anyone else experiencing the same yellow watery discharge.  I am glad I am not the only one experiencing this.  I have tried researching online but haven't had much success.  Is anyone else having the same problem and if so have you found any relief or was told what is causing the watery yellow discharge.
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Hello I've had the Mirena for two weeks now . I'm now producing a little watery brown discharge , does that mean the spotting is subsiding. I have been bleeding every since I got it put in ! Very frustrating :(
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Supplemental: this is the first time ever since she got her Mirena IUD (a year ago) that I have noticed anything like that. Since then there has been such mucus present, but not at all smelly. So my suspicion arouse simply because this doesn't happen more often (from what I know)
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Is my girlfriend cheating on me? A few months back, before intercourse, I noticed that she had a foul smelling odor coming from her vagina. Really repugnant (it didn't say that, I just said that I felt the smell of semen. Didn't say it came from her)

There was also a sperm-like discharge around the opening of cervix and in my hand it certainly looked like old semen! Perhaps more "sticky". On that day, we hadn't had sex for roughly 48 hours.

She has a Mirena IUD. From what I can tell of the commentators above, you are more likely to have a odorless discharge and if it is smelly, it is probably an infection - she doesn't have one.
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I had the Mirena, It was fine for about 6 months then I kept feeling like I was getting pregnant. At first I had no periods, then light ones, then finally a Lima bean came out ... You could see it, I was very much pregnant but of course the doctors wouldn't say it was true due to rules of treatment and they didn't want a lawsuit to deal with. I kept bacterial infections if not yeast infections and a sore spot inside where it was. I only have one child and I do want more. I'm not sure that I can have them - I haven't tried, but my periods are completely irregular . It makes me very nervous. I do not have health care anymore so it makes it difficult to check things out but hopefully I will soon .
I would never recommend mirena.
On another note my close friend has it and has had no problems.
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Unfortunately, no, I still haven't taken mine out yet.  But I am.  I never remember taking pills as scheduled and that's why the Mirena is best for me, but just last week, my tailbone pain started.  I said since I haven't had a cycle in 3 years, the pain was due to it being "that" time.  But didn't even consider it being associated with the Mirena.  And yes, I have been feeling the fluttering for years.  And it's funny because I thought the home pregnancy test was inaccurate.  I told my doctor, "I know when I feel a baby moving."  But again, I didn't associate it with the Mirena.  I hope my symptoms disappear when it is removed because I can't take the disgusting feeling anymore.  
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I've had my Mirena in for 2 1/2 years. I've also been experiencing the excessive discharge. I feel gross all the time and I agree it's embarrasing. Also, i've felt fluttering in my abdomen and have taken a few pregnancy tests which obviously came back negative. It feels like a baby moving, it's weird. Almost 1 year ago i was having extreme pain in my tailbone. I had all kinds of tests done but nothing out of the ordinary came back. I asked my OBGYN if my tailbone pain could be associated to my IUD. She said no. I know everyone who has commented has experienced all of the above symtoms but has anyone had the tailbone pain?? It has since subsided and I do still have the mirena in place but now I have constant discharge and it's really annoying. I've seriously considered getting it taken out. The only thing that's kept me from doing it is knowing that it's doing what I had it put in for. To all the women who've had the mirena taken out, have all your similar symtoms subsided after getting it taken out?
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Thats exactly what is happening to me. Ive had mine 2 years December. Ive thought about getting mine removed, but Im 17 and my mom says I need it so I dont give her grandchildren... but I'm not liking the side effects and I may or may not be trying to have a kid. But what you explained has happened to me 100%...
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I've had my second Mirena for 2 years now. My first was completely uneventful, but this second one...man, is it a pain with the repeated infections and discharge. Glad I read most of these comments. I have the same discharge; frequent, odorous...and many MANY UTIs as well as bacterial infections to the point where my urine contains white blood cells. They are about to send me to a renal specialist, but now I'm having it removed this month to see if things improve. We all know our bodies. My daughter has Mirena too and just came from the OBGYN with a suspected bad yeast infection, which prompted this search today. Nothing is worth this IUD. They must've changed it through the years. I'm 47 and my husband will gladly get a vasectomy; however for you younger ladies, please remove it and choose a safer method. Good luck to all.
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Thanks, I'll try that!
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Thanks, I'll try that!
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did you ever get your mirena removed or what did the doctor say ?
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This is the same issue I have.  I had my first son in 2008 and before he was one, gave birth to a set of twins.  I knew I had to have some sort of contraception in place after that.  But every since I've had the Mirena, I have had nothing but problems.  Yeast infections, infections the doctors can't explain.  I was tested for STD's for about 9 months straight trying to find out what was going on with me.  That was very embarassing because I am faithful to my husband and it's just a bad look.  I don't know what directed me to this page, but after seeing all of this, I am getting mine taken out ASAP.  I thought I was alone and that my body was so out of line.  I hate that you all are experiencing this, but it puts my mind at ease knowing that I'm not alone.
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I am a RN and have had the Mirena for 4.5 years. Remember, everyone is diffrent. Some have no periods, some have heavy periods. The bottom line is if it it painful, or misserable to have the IUD, talk to your doctor and take it out! Don't try to tough it out. Most likely these symptoms will continue to be there. There are risks, and your doctor can help you figure out if the side effects are worth it, or indicitive of a problem. I still have heavy periods, i have the weird wattery discharge, but I just deal with it. Its okay if you aren't  willing to do so. If its making you misserable, get rid of it! Don't be ashamed, this isnt right for everyone. It is important to find what is right for you :)
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Hay. I am having the same thing.  I.had my 5 year iud since July.after my 6 weeks of having my daughter. First week I was on for about 2 months den I.believe I skip a month n. That following I.was on for 5 days but spotting in between. For two days the next I had a period for two days im waiting on my next but when im off I.have a lot of discharge like u.will have while.pregnant pain on my low stomach kinda by my the.  Flopian tube n my sex drive is crazy. I get horny all the time. But I keep getting uti's my breast a lil sore I eat up everything.  I thought I was pregnant but I took a test im not the doctor said it's just the hormones going to your body and workn. U dnt c hair loss yet or anything that make me wonder its just the bacteria infections and my partner wondering why u keep taking pills and going to the doctor what u hiding shaking my head but atleast um not pregnant lol n STD free
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