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Micro Califications

To all the ladies on this post.  I cannot get to it as it is filled.  I wanted to give you my experience.  I too had my 3rd mammogram on 10/24, I am 40 years old. I was told to come back as they found some funny, but not to worry.  (Easy for them to say). Went for the second on  11/01/2006, I knew something was wrong, call it woman's intuition. Turns out its calcium microcalifications.  Never heard of it before this.  Radiologists advised biopsy within a month.  However where mind is located, I cannot do a needle.  Well turns out it took quite a long time for my doctor to call.  I did not wait for him. I found my own surgeon went to them, they advised this is very very common.  Changes are good that they are bengin.  Anyhow, made my surgery appointment for 11/13/2006.  I am telling you this because DO NOT WAIT FOR YOUR DOCTORS, they look at it as something not as urgent.  YOu really realize what statistic you are to them and not a human being.  I finally received a call from my doctor's nurse no less, to tell me what surgeon to go to all after I made the appointment by myself.  YOU HAVE TO BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE.  DO NOT WAIT FOR YOUR DOCTORS TO TELL YOU WHO TO GO TO.  Its scary, frigthening overwelming, and they don't get it sometimes.  Everyone is in my prayers.  I will hear my results after the biopsy which is scaring me.  Additionally I am getting is all removed.  I would rather do it that way, then have to go back for another should the result me malignant.  I was advised even if it is, it is in such early early early stages, guarantee to be fine with proper treatment.
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Oh, yeah, the good stuff! I do try and maintain my weight but shoot, I can't worry about everything, everyday, can I? I live in California and I should take advantage of my beautiful surroundings. I do wish for snow (former New Yorker) but can't really complain about the sun. I'm going to walk slow and look around. My Christmas cactus is in bloom, I can see the harbor form my window and life is good today. Boy, is this a change from when I woke up! Writing back and forth has certainly helped.
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Good, good I LOVE your attitdue.......you have to remebmer we are very very lucky.........and guess wahat I'm gonn have chinese food to, and not bland chicken with the steamed vegetables, I'm talking the good stuff ;o).............yes today is a good day!!!!  Keep it up and you will be breezing through this all, and it will be over before you know it!!!!!! Take the experience and engulf it, and gain that wisdom we will get out of it...................and BE HAPPY!!!!
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Hopefully, worse case, radiation and that is ahead of myself. Today, I want to laugh. Show the world...and me, I can handle this. Today, I am okay. There is nothing wrong with me. I'm having Chinese food for dinner and I just might eat a pint of ice-cream!
Today is all we have. I'm big into the one day at a time deal. It took me years to get the hang of it but it really does work, if I allow myself. It only makes sense. I don't want to waste today about something I have no control over. Okay, I'm smiling.
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How did you make out at the surgeons?
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I get your story....Don't think sooooo far in advance, you are worrying about things that are not present right now... Worst case right now would be radiation, you don't loose your hair at all... I guess its the UNKNOWN we are afraid of, but we will get ourselves SICK if we worry too much about the possible future when we are not living in the present.  Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here yet, so live for today!!!!  and yes its another beautiful day.......I love it!!!

I always thought of that too, and say well shoot, I can have short, long, curly, straight, blond, black, brown pink hair while doing it, when do you get a chance to play with that stuff...but believe I don't want to!!!!

Like I said you will be fine.....I know you will........I like that saying you put in.....its so true though...........have to stay positive no other way to be.............
no mispellings, our eyes must be the same too   ;o)
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Funny, I was thinking about my hair again, this morning. I haven't always had such nice hair. It's the flat iron! That's my fear, one of them anyway...losing it. There's an O'Henry story where a wife sells her beautiful hair for a chain for her husbands pocket watch and he sells his watch for combs for her hair. Get my drift? Enough of that. I suppose God doesn't give us more than we can handle and again, it's a way to lean on that faith and gather from the faith of others. There are no why's to ask. It just is and that's that. You really amaze me. You have such a terrific outlook. I hope you rub off on me!
Just read your other post. Didn't notice any misspellings. There is a line that says "Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake". So whatever the reason, I need to accept it. Hey, maybe I will finally grow up! And, I chose to believe you. I will be okay and so will you.
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I'm sorry for all my misspellings, its that I'm typing so fast and not reading ;o).......

Oh and GIRL, you walk with DIGNITY always walk with dignity, and yes you are right, its what we learn from these experiences, we either become negative, which I will say I have been alot since my mom died, but alot of times I haven't, but if we take the REASONS for these things and try to make sense of them, and know "everything happens for a reason", we come out of it better people!!!
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YES, I believe I really believe good things come in the end, why do we get tested the way we do?  Because god knows we can handle it........I have to believe that, POSITIVE.

Funny I was reading the other posts and back in Oct you mentioned. I don't look sick, and I'm having good hair days.  SO AM I...too funny.  But I wanted to say, We are not sick, it is a bad cell/tissues in or bodies that we need to ride off.  I lady at work as asking  me about this and  she said "Well you certainly look very healthy"  And my cousin said the same thing.  I wanted to SCREAM I AM.........its just a negative thing in our bodies we most rid of.....

This weekend I will just  take easy, and relax go about my business and get this thing over with....and HOPEFULLY a week from now I will know my results and god forbid it comes back magligant, its STILL GOOD, we caught it in time. Hope you are good and you too do something nice for yourself, enjoy.  I know you are going to be FINE.............believe me you are!!!!
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I forget to say, I hope you are doing something nice for yourself this weekend (every day). What time is your appt on Monday?
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Morning! So glad to find you here. Okay, I need an attitude adjustment and quick! I started smiling...still am, after I read
your posts. Have to admit, #10 made me want to cry, but not in a bad way. It is a beautiful day and I feel myself slowly pulling out of the morning funk. You really think good things come in the end? I guess it's what we take from each experience and what we do with it. I'm trying to walk with dignity and not be a blithering mess. So far, so good!
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1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to
be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't
like you. (but who wouldn't like you???)
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. You are special and unique.
8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from
10. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take another
11. Always remember the compliments you received.  Forget about the
rude remarks.
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Hi ladies:

I hope you ladie are smiling today, it another beautiful day!!!!  Just keep the faith.............I'm so sorry to hear about your dad Lauren.......its seem as if the people that get hit hard, continue to get tested with their faith and lives, why I don't know, but I guess  "god gives you what he thinks you can handle"...I mean why else to bad things happen to good people?  It can only mean GOOD things in the end!!!!

Ladies, keep you spirits up always, even if you don't want to, SMILE.....beleive me it makes you feel better!!!!

All in my prayers!!!!!
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The more the merrier! I just re read your previous post. You have a lot on your plate. When is your mammo? I lost my father a long time ago and the anniversary of his death was last Sunday. It still feels sad. He just tuned 46. Sorry for your loss. I hope your family brings you a lot of comfort. My son does. "This too, shall pass". BIG ONE! I was thinking about that, too. It all passes. Good and bad. I have to keep that in mind. I'm grateful I have a God in my life. I didn't always. Spent years searching. Glad  you wrote! Crummy circumstances, but we need each other to get through this. You're in my prayers.
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Please let me be a part of your group!  Today was not a good day for me, but I am hoping tomorrow will be better!  Blessings to all of us and I will also try tomorrow to smile too!
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You've got a deal! You're in my prayers too and will remain. And...I am smiling as I type. It is a beautiful day and I feel uplifted. Thanks!
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Cannot agree with you more..Work indeed helps,true.  Yes we do sound quite alot alike.....funny in this big wide world how things happen. I will take you up on the Promise...try you'll see it will do wonders for you....I'm can promis you that.  And I will write as much as I can.....I will write tomorrow and I will come back on post-surgery!!  You will be in my prayers..


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Hi Everyone:
I am off to meet with the surgeon with my list of questions in tow.  He was a referral from my ob gyn. I don't know if I should go up to Boston for the stereotactic or should have it in Plymouth(much smaller hospital).  Plus it will be several weeks before they can do the procedure. Thank you to everyone for your support.  I was on a different thread, but that has been closed, however I recognize a few of the names from the other microcalcification thread. I wish that we had access to quicker care. It is much too scary with all the delays. Hard to believe as of little more than a week ago I never had even heard of microcalcifications. My prayers are with you all.
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You brought tears to my eyes.  Thank you for your story.  I say this too now.  I want to live..I've been walking around for the last year and 1/2 sad at everything, think about holidays and say how can I possibly enjoy them without my "core" in it, my mom, was an angel, and she hasn't been in peace since she lied down one night, healthy so we thought, never to awake, and I can't get over it and they say, they cannot rest until we are at peace with the loss, its very difficult..but this truly is an awakening, I know she is looking down saying you better BE HAPPY.  I am the only girl out of 2 brothers and our bond was priceless, I was very lucky that god gave me a wonderful mother.  I am too 40 now, lost her before my 39th birthday.  I feel for you, for what you must of went through.....2 parents, now look you are happy with a beautiful daughter.  I am divorced, wished I had children but   it didn't work that way, always think about adopting.........Again, thank you for your story, is was priceless.........and I like that statement too.........

Can't wait until this ordeal will hopefully be over..we are lucky you know, to catch this at this age.......it is saving our lives........GOD BLESS
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Good luck to you.....yes I was reading the other thread, and could not get in, thats why I started this one, to let everyone know get your own suergon if your doctor doesn't call back.......but good luck to you.

I don't think the hospital size may make a difference as long as the suregon is good.  I am curious as to why a few weeks, before getting this done?  Keep me posted.

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Thank you...thats why I started this, didnt' know anything about this thing, and then I went at it with full force.  Did not like the fact that my doctor could not call me back right away, meaning within 24 hours, meanwhile the radiologist told me the day of my 2nd mammo, that she was calling him right away. And to make matter worse he had his nurse call me 4 DAYS LATER, after I met with the suergon and after I made my biopsy..what nerve.....I'm very upset with him.....but as I said we are a # not human.........But thank you for you kind words....and you and everyone else is in my prayers as well.
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If I were sitting home, I would be way more depressed. Work helps, even if I am online writing! You really sound like me. I will promise to try the hardest I have ever tried. I think making this promise to someone in a similar situation will be very helpful. I'm always checking back, so write whenever you want. I'm very grateful right now.
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I'm so happy you are having another good day.  YOu know this site, has helped me too in so many ways. I'm actually laughing today..surprisingly.....The suregons office called to confirm my time, and we were joking to the point where the nurse was laughing so much.  She said "this is a good thing Elaina", meaning the biopsy and that it has been found so early on. I said I KNOW BELIEVE ME.  I feel for you for having to go through it yet again....but I would love to promise you all will be o.k.......the waiting isn't fun at all.........Keep your spirits up.  The more positive you are, your body will feel it, and that can only be a good thing, as hard as it sounds!!!

I agree about praying for others, so true, in this crazy insane world we live in there are still wonderful humain beings who are the same, have feelings and care, the way god wants it!!!!  Thats nice to know.

May you day too be filled with serenity also.
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I'm glad you're laughing, Elaina! Your advise is good and right now, at this minute, everything IS okay. Thanks for sharing that message with me. It makes total sense that keeping my spirits up
affects the rest of me. I will promise to keep this in mind. I know I already know this, but it's not always easy to practice it. Seeing you do it, has inspired me. Thanks you!!
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I know its not easy, but try as hard as you can ever try!!!!  Its good for you...believe me........I get upset alot, thank god for work in alot of ways you know........keeps you mind off of things!!!!  You are in my prayers.........like I said "keep smiling" even if you want to cry!!!!!

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