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203342 tn?1328737207

Is Christianity On It's Way To Being Banned?

Is Christianity on it's way to being banned?

25 Responses
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Well, I've come to learn how to direct people to this forum of MedHelp and speak a little about the faith in a way that is safe.

Unfortunately, they may close my account.  And if they do, I enjoyed this section of the website and will miss it!  They may close my account because as I've been trying to educate people about magnesium, MedHelp says it is "spam."  So, hopefully all goes well.  
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203342 tn?1328737207
The only time I mention God or my faith on the public forums is if the OP mentions it first. Then I can see they are a fellow believer and I can feel comfortable with it.

Obviously, this forum is exactly for talking about our faith. PM's are good and journals too. :)
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875426 tn?1325528416
I believe when I signed up for medhelp, I had to agree not to prostylatize on the public forums.  But private messages are private and I don't believe I'm forbidden it there.  The person I'm addressing can ask me not to talk about Christ or block me if they choose.  I haven't had any do the latter because if they aren't open, I don't want share where it's unwelcome.

  There is also a medhelp rule not to post links from outside medhelp on the public forums without permission from them.  Forgetting that, I posted a link that had nothing to do with my faith but something purely medical and the link was deleted.   The moderator was kind enough to remind me of the rule.

I did get a post of mine deleted in a thread:
My response arguing an assertion made by the contributor on their last post was deleted.   Medhelp felt I might embarass the person.  While I told Medhelp I respected their authority, I did ask them to look and see multiple postings because I feel this person is subtly prostylatizing.

I do feel the rule of not prostylatyzing on medhelp's public forums is not a bad rule, because we still have freedom to private message any member who leaves that option open and because I don't want to see religions pushed by people on the public forums that I know are contrary to the Gospel.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
Yes April you have got it exactly ... doesnt matter what you are called ....
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Powerful words!  Thank you so much.  It's just what I needed to hear, and I believe it!
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203342 tn?1328737207
compnet, I can't believe they deleted that. How sad that so often we see people being mean or unhelpful, to say the least, or even trolls, but yet when you try to post something helpful, to give hope to someone, it's deleted. What a crazy, mixed up world we live in anymore.
I guess next time maybe send the person a pm with all the info. I've done that before. There was a teenage boy years ago that I was trying to reach out to, who was suicidal, confused about his sexual identitry, etc. I talked to him a lot, through pms, etc., just trying to encourage him to turn to the Lord because He loved him so and He could give him that peace he yearned for.
Well, do you know he was very grateful and appreciative of all that? He sais I helped him more than anyone else, that no one else seemed to really care.

This is our calling. We cannot act ashamed of our faith, or ashamed of Jesus! Or He will certainly be ashamed of us when He returns. I sure don't want that and I know you all don't either!
We need to pray for more wisdom, courage, discernment and grace...DAILY! We cannot do it without Him. We also cannot sit on the fence. Jesus said we're either for Him or against Him. He says what He will do with lukewarm people! He'd rather we be hot or cold, but not lukewarm!
We will be called extremists and looked down on by most of the world. Jesus said we would be hated by the world because they first hated Him. We have to stand strong and resist the devil and support each other. We have to decide if we are more concerned with pleasing man or pleasing God.
I know which one I choose!
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203342 tn?1328737207
Bran_Bran, if you go to the top of the page of this community you can see where you can join. Or try clicking on this: http://www.medhelp.org/forums/By-the-Blood-of-Jesus/show/404

Let me know if you have any more difficulties with this. Glad to have you hear!
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I believe it was on the depression forum, I think someone was losing the will to live.  And so I shared about my Faith, and gave links to further information on the Faith.  I believe there was also health information in there, too.  It all pertained to the topic, and the person really needed to hear the Truth.  That's why it especially upsets me.  Someone must have reported it, someone anti-Christian.
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What was the post about???
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Bran, glad you made it.  Welcome to the forum.

It seems like the banning is all over the place.  I made a post about my Christian faith on one of the medical areas of this website, and they later deleted it.  Sounds anti-Christian to me.  Whatever happened to freedom of expression?  Our American country is founded on Christianity.  I'm pretty upset, as it was a great post with a lot of helpful information, and they have a problem with it.  Ackkkk.
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How can I join this fourm??? I can't find it in the list of medical fourms and there's nonwere else for me to check of were it would be!!! (I am using the mobile site)
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"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Matthew 16:18

There has always been persecution and martyrdom.  There may be more going underground, unfortunetly.  We need to pray about this.
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Amen! The storm is making land fall! This is all designed by Satan & the new world order to make way for his son the anti-christ! But to live is Christ &2 die is gain! These are temporary bodies are permanent bodies will come from our father in heaven;)
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Looks like they're already here in Britain.  I agree with the video.  What starts in England does make its way to our shores.  I too feel it's coming very soon.
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I agree with Sara. I feel the same way, and I think our days of being tested on that are very near.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I would not convert to any other religion for any reason.  I don't really fear death.  I'd like to stick around a while but death is not a horrible thing.  It's the beginning of a wonderful thing.  I don't know how many of you feel this way and I may be blasted for this but here I go.  Belief in the one true God and His son Jesus is an issue that is much bigger than I or any of my loved ones.  I would die or allow even my loved ones to be harmed or killed before I'd acknowledge any other path to Salvation.
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Scripture does say, Bring up a child in the way he should go and he will return to it. If those children have been Saved, then God will show them the Truth. There are times when all of us face times of weakness. God prepares those that love Him for the Battle starting with Salvation, that He promises to those that accept Him. He doesn't just walk away when we are bad, just like we don't love our children only when they are good. With God all things are possible, and the Blood of Christ is stronger than any evil influences. Just keep them in your prayers and trust God.

This comes from the New Church of Unitarian Universalist, (World Religion that has seeded itself into American lives)

"Imagine a religion where inspiration comes from not one but many spiritual sources."
ā€” The Uncommon Denomination

Unitarian Universalism (UU) draws from many sources:

*Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life;
*Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love;
*Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life;
*Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;
*Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.
*Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

Salvation is not through blending in all ingrediences, throwing in mystical, humanism, and living in harmony with nature, with a sprig of Christianity as a garnish. We will be made to choose, yes or no, Christ or not.


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535822 tn?1443976780
I agree with April and although vio;ence should be avoided it may be time to get out with protests and civil  disobediance when they say take down those crosses and images of Christianity maybe its time to put up more ...the one in the hill near me has been put back up...One thing I see about the immigrants who live near me they are church going good people , they dont believe in abortion they have their children so we may inherit a lot of Catholics in the future ...
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203342 tn?1328737207
I don't think we can blame the Christians if we're attacked. I don't think that's quite fair. I've seen a lot of unprovoked attacks on Christians. I wrote a journal on one awhile back about Christian missionaries, doctors, who were attacked just because they were Christians and the Muslim extremists believed they were spreading the gospel, even though they weren't. They were just trying to help the poor. This was in Afganistan, I believe, and happened a few weeks ago. But this happens over and over and most of the time it does not seem to make the news. I don't understand that.
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518031 tn?1295575374
I beleive ..that a true born again Christain will not burn anyone elses "religous" book..I also know that a true born again Christain knows that there is only ONE WAY to the FATHER and that is JESUS CHRIST..and I do believe in these last days ..well i will say I know that in the last days we will be having services in secert...I truley believe that we will be raptured before the true tribulation begins but I also think many of us will be perscuted maybe even killed for our belief in JESUS...yes when the one world gov't comes to power you are going to see Christainty banned..but hey if they want to cut my head off for praising and worshipping and telling ppl about my JESUS..then go ahead and dio it..and I think they will moniter places like this to see the ones of us that will not shy away from our savior..God Bless all..brian
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I think we have already began to see the beginning of the end to practice our religious freedom. If this guy burns the holy books of the muslims on 9/11, like he says he will. I believe we will have just witnessed the beginning and a major escalation on criticism of christianity. There are numerous ones out there that do believe the root of the evil of the world is organized religion,namely christianity. So is we allow this deed, it will be returned in kind. By attacking anothers faith, we put our own rights at risk.
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Good post
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535822 tn?1443976780
they wont ban it, the outcry will be too large ,  they will have a new church called a new world religion but I think that it will live alongside other religions .The United Nations intends to build in the form and substance of a new occultic world religion ,been  planned for many years .,..I think you are all right and Christianity will prevail  in my opinion we wont lose our faith we may have to sit alongside others ..
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203342 tn?1328737207
Even if they banned Christianity we would just have underground churches like they do in China and other places. They cannot take people's faith from them no matter how hard they may try!

I know what you mean. My oldest son has turned away from God. He's not a bad kid, just questioning things. Still, it worries me, so I pray.

One of my friend's oldest daughter also turned against God in a big way and now mocks Christians, church, etc. and is living quite the wild life. My friend said she is in dangerous territory but she, like me son, is all grown up. There's nothing to do but pray.

Still, it's hard to understand when both of these kids grew up going to church, going to Awanas, youth group, etc., how they could turn their back on God. I know they're young and want to experience the world. I know many of us have gone through a rebellious stage when we were young. My worry, though, is how much time we have. God has been patient because He doesn't want anyone to perish but there will come a day when Jesus returns and it will be too late to turn back to Him.

We have to pray because Satan is working hard right now, blinding people to the truth and tearing apart Christian families and even causing division in our churches.
But as strong as he is, our God is stronger! We need to pray God will shine His light in the darkness.
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