973741 tn?1342342773

Already had Covid-19, should I vaccinate now?

I had Covid-19 in January. I know that those of us who've had it should get the vaccine, but when? The information about when we vaccinate doesn't seem all that clear. Do we still fall into our regular groups?

What happens if we still have antibodies? Is it true that if you still have antibodies, the vaccine may interact with them in negative ways?

Why do they recommend if you've had covid in the past 2 weeks, that you don't vaccinate?

If anyone has some information, or studies, that would be great.
9 Responses
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To prevent Covid the ratio of people's must get vaccinated which doesn't mean everyone should get vaccinated. Besides that people must provided a pure n clean environment which is government duty and if it isn't fulfilled there can be recurrence of Covid. So important thing in clean environment
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Not sure what you mean by a clean environment.  If you mean sanitizing things, that's not a thing.  It doesn't really get on surfaces much in a way that infects us.  It's a breathing it in problem from an infected person.  I'm also not sure how gov't is going to clean your doorknob, if that's what you're saying.  If you're talking about the air and water and such, yeah, lots of things are spread that way, but not covid.  It's a virus, not a polluting chemical.  As for how many need to get vaccinated, I assume you're referring to herd immunity, and you're right, not everyone has to get vaccinated to achieve that but at this point probably about 85% do and that's pretty much everyone.  It might have been a lower number early in the pandemic but we've already botched any chance of easily reaching herd immunity.  The virus has already figured out how to get around the vaccines because we didn't do what we should have done by masking and distancing until the vaccines came out and then all got the vaccine, and we're still not doing that, so it seems a large portion of humanity has decided this is a test of manhood to see if we're tough by ignoring the virus or getting the virus.  Don't understand that, but it is what has happened, and because of that it may very well be too late to snuff this one out.  We're probably going to be living with it forever now and so the goal at this point is to ensure that very few get a bad case of it.  
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Зачем слишком высокий уровень антител? Только воспаление будет.
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У меня в 11.11.202-11.12.2020. Вакцинироваться пока не буду. Потом сдам анализы.
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20907529 tn?1617991696
If you already affected Covid-19, you still can take vaccine and It's help you to recover it and also you support other by PLASMA. I hope it's for you
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I'm not sure the vaccine does help an infected person recover.  It's preventative, not curative, as far as I know, and I'm not even sure the vaccine is recommended for a currently infected person.  Not sure about the plasma either.  There are some treatments that are almost a cure, very effective if given early in the course of the disease to prevent serious cases, but those are antibodies, not plasma.  I don't know if the plasma idea worked out very well.  
20841821 tn?1547942964
I hope you are feeling okay after your second vaccine! I received my first vaccine at the end of December, caught COVID the first week of January, and then received my second shot. I did well and suspect you will too. It is anxiety provoking, but such a relief to be fully vaccinated and recovered. ;)
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Hello, please help me... I had my first vaccine (Moderna) on March 21st. I was diligent in every possible way... I continued to wear my mask and even doubled it at times, and always sanitized.  On April 1st at 10:00 pm, I developed a cough and headache, but never had a fever or loss of taste or smell. I had the doctor prescribe zithromax an antibiotic for bronchitis and started taking it immediately.  I went for a covid test on April 3rd and found out today that I am positive.  I have been crying and am so worried.  I have alot of underlying health issues and have so many questions that I asked the health nurses... 1) I was told that the vaccine was only effective 14 days after the vaccine..... does this mean it did nothing for me as it is in my system.... and if it is working.... is it still building protection to so that my symptoms are milder?  My cough has subsided alot, but that could be because of the antibiotics, I do however have shortness of breath today, but I am thinking that could be anxiety due to the news I received positive at 4:00 am. Please help any knowledge is greatly appreciated. Kindest Regards. PS - I am a breast cancer survivor, and have Chronic Lymphocyte Leukemia (which is why I am so afraid)
In your shoes, I would ask the doctor for another Covid test.  (Just to be sure.) People are saying some Covid tests are more accurate than others. An antibiotic won't do anything to a virus, but it will certainly help with a bacterial infection, so the fact that your cough has subsided makes me wonder if you really for sure had Covid.

Regarding getting Covid after the first vaccination -- many people have been hit with the actual illness in the time between their two shots -- it simply means they were (unfortunately) exposed before getting the shot, or in the early days after the shot. I've read that if you get the illness after being vaccinated, it will be a milder case, so please try not to cry.

Look up the CDC website, and see what they have to say about people who get Covid in between their first shot and their second shot. I'm almost sure it doesn't impact the shots' effectiveness negatively.

Also, for your own peace of mind, you could buy a pulse oximeter. They're that little doodad the nurse clamps on your finger to check the amount of oxygen in your blood when taking your pulse. People who get sick with Covid say it was the single most helpful thing for keeping them from panicking in the middle of the night about their oxygen levels. They're not very costly (I think they run from $25 to 40) and would go a long way to keep you from feeling anxious.
Here's another resource. It doesn't answer all your questions but it answers some. https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/what-if-i-get-covid-19-after-my-first-vaccine-shot
No vaccine for covid is 100% effective.  And the 14 days is after the 2d shot, whereas you say you've only had the first shot.  The data is quite good for one shot, however, about 80% effective, and 90% after the 2d shot at preventing covid for the Pfizer vaccine, and one would assume Moderna is the same, but that's still, even after two shots, a ten percent chance of still getting it.  That's why everyone is recommending vaccines don't change the basic guidance of social distancing and wearing masks except when only around others who have also been fully vaccinated, and you are not yet fully vaccinated.  And again, even if you were, yes, you can still get it.  There's also the chance of variants evading vaccines or rendering them less effective, and the UK variant is fast becoming the dominant form of covid in the US.  The vaccines do seem to work against it, however.  And yes, the one half of your vaccination does give you a fair amount of protection against severe covid, and two weeks after the 2d dose it's so far 100% effective at keeping people out of the hospital, the ICU and dying.  So you are better off for having gotten even part of the vaccine.  You are, of course, able to transmit it since you have it, so you do have to stay isolated just as we had to do before vaccines until a sufficient time has passed after all symptoms go away.  It's a good suggestion to get a 2d test, and even a 3d.  Testing hasn't been stellar in accuracy.  I am puzzled by the antibiotic for a disease you don't appear to have been diagnosed with.  Bronchitis isn't a disease, it's a symptom of a lot of things, including, at this time of year, seasonal allergies.  It's only a disease state if you have a disease that causes it, and unless you were tested for a bacterial infection and came up positive giving you an antibiotic wasn't good for your health.  So there's that, but doctors continue to do this and it seems impossible to stop them.  All bronchitis means is that your bronchia were inflamed, it doesn't tell you why.  Make sure in the future you get a diagnosis before popping antibiotics, because they do adversely affect your beneficial organisms that protect your digestive tract and your immune system.  As for your covid, stay in contact with your doc, watch your symptoms, and do what you are advised to do.  Best of luck to you.
And just to say, when we're vaccinated, we are being told we can do a lot more things, but again, not because there is zero risk of getting covid but because there might never be zero risk.  There is nothing in life that is zero risk.  But the purpose of vaccines, while it's nice to limit our risk and eliminate death, is really to get to herd immunity, which means the entire world has to get there, because at that point the virus will not be able to find enough hosts to thrive and will be much less of a problem and possibly go dormant.  That's the ballgame.
Tina, here's about zithro:
Azithromycin is used to treat certain bacterial infections (including sinusitis, pneumonia). It is a macrolide-type antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.

This medication will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.

Azithromycin is available under the following different brand names: Zithromax, and Zmax.

If you took Zithromax and got better, that is not suggestive that what you had was Covid. I am thinking more and more that you should get tested again for Covid.  All those tears might be for nothing. :-)
Not to beat a dead horse, but if we don't die of viruses or bacterial infections we all get better, and taking the antibiotic isn't necessarily the cause of that.  Again, it's spring, folks, and we're all going to be sneezing and inflaming our bronchia.  These attacks go away, so again, it is important to note that one should only take antibiotics when a diagnosis indicates an infection that won't go away without one and consequences will be bad if you don't get rid of it.  Sinusitis is not a disease either, it just means the sinuses are inflamed but doesn't, again, tell you why.  Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, but it can also be caused by other things, including covid.  I only emphasize this because over and over for decade after decade doctors have been inundating the planet with antibiotics, and the result has been bacteria we can no longer kill and chronic problems that also can't be fixed or can't be fixed without great struggle, such as chronic yeast infections, possibly fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic digestive problems, etc. etc.  I see no mention in the post here that any diagnosis was made before the antibiotic was prescribed, and again, bronchitis isn't a diagnosis, it's a description.  It's now up to us as patients and citizens and humans to make sure we don't abuse antibiotics, because most of them no longer work very well, and so we have to police our doctors since they have proven they will not police themselves.  Peace.
707563 tn?1626361905
We have deleted the off-topic discussion. Specialmom asked about people who've had COVID-19 getting vaccinated, along with a few specific questions. The efficacy of vaccines was not one of her questions, and the debate about that is off-topic.

We are an evidence-based, science-based site. We are happy to let people post links from reputable evidence-based, science-based reputable sites.

Please keep responses on topic.

Thank you.
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As I said in my response, normally I would agree but in this case the responses might have helped some on here see conspiracy theories debunked.  I agree the post was off-topic and horribly wrong, but as 3 of us pointed that out, I still think it would have been useful for people to see.  The poster will probably just go to other parts of the web that aren't policed and people will see it anyway.  Just my opinion, anyway.  Peace, Em.
973741 tn?1342342773
I just made my appointment and am really nervous.  I don't want to rock the boat.  I am not sure why I'm having this anxious reaction to getting the vaccine!
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I'm amazed, you say you became available 4 days ago and already have an appointment?  It took me a couple months after I first became eligible before I got my first shot of the Moderna Vax, and of course it's 4 weeks to the next dose assuming the state has some and I can get an appointment.  Truly amazing.  As for being nervous, I think that's common for a lot of reasons.  First, we've been living with this nightmare for over a year and I think I realized when it came time to get vaccinated just how much that had affected me.  Second, it's a new vax, not one we've had around for a long time no matter which one you get.  Being a guinea pig can produce some trepidation, but in this case, it's absolutely necessary.  My first reaction upon getting my appointment at long last was pure joy, and my second was some nervousness.  I'm nervous about the second shot as well, as that's really the one that does the job.  But you'll be fine when you get there, so might as well relax now.  The shot itself doesn't hurt at all.  Side effects if any will pale in comparison to the stress of this virus.  You'll be absolutely fine, Mom, and I predict you'll feel pretty good about it.  
207091 tn?1337709493
The CDC says yes, you should get vaxxed. The only stipulation is that if you were treated with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, you need to wait 90 days. Other than that, they recommend getting vaxxed as normal.

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Now if I can just find someone to give it to me!  It's challenging to get these appointments.  It's only been about 4 days though since my age group opened up for vaccination.
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I'm guessing if you go to the CDC website there will be info on this.  But the immunity one gets from having had covid, assuming one does get immunity at all, hasn't been answered yet.  What is believed by science is that any immunity conferred by having had covid isn't as long lasting or as effective as a vaccine, especially a vaccine that works really well.  It is possible to get reinfected, especially with the new variants floating around and the newer variants we can expect to arise as humans continue to act as if there isn't a highly contagious and lethal pandemic around.  Until the entire world gets vaccinated sufficiently to get to herd immunity, and that won't happen for a very long time, variants that your immunity and possibly even vaccine immunity won't work for.  You do need to wait until you're free of covid, I believe, and if you're only two weeks into it you may very well still have it despite not having any symptoms anymore and not testing positive for it anymore.  But again, here, I'd consult the CDC and NIH websites.  I think unfortunately studies if they're still needed can't be done when the crisis is ongoing, because so many of the people who do such studies are busy treating patients, formulating vaccines and treatments.  It's all hands on deck.  So most of what we know is being learned as we're treating patients.  If the virus gets under control that's when the post-mortems will be done and the studies will be done more fully than they are now.  Because covid probably will be with us for the rest of human existence and that means there will be a need and time to do that kind of time consuming research.  It's very unlikely we will eradicate covid, as it has been allowed to flourish so much by people not taking proper public health steps it has already mutated a lot and spread everywhere.  No vaccine is 100% effective, and the same lack of compliance that has plagued public health will also plague vaccinations, unless something changes.  Right now, rich countries are the only ones seriously doing vaccination, and even then it has been painfully slow, and we already have the states dropping the public health measures, so don't expect this to ever go completely away.  Bottom line, don't know when you should get vaccinated but yes, you do need to get vaccinated.  Peace.  Hope you're fully recovered.
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Just read an article in the Post about the Novavaxx vaccine.  Besides the details about its very high success rate except against the South African variant, which pretty much matches the rate of success of the BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, it also had a small item about some other research the company did as well during its trials that talked about those who have had the disease and whether they had immunity.  That part isn't peer reviewed, but their initial research was no, having had covid didn't confer immunity.  The nature of the article makes me unsure if they were only talking about the UK and South African variants, or all covid infections, but on further review they determined that studying it over time, there was some immunity in about half of the participants.  Again, I don't know if this will hold up as it isn't yet peer reviewed anywhere, but it is research of the kind you were hunting.  And of course it indicates, yes, indeed, you do need to get the vaccine when your time comes.  
Another piece of info I saw today, although it isn't going to affect those who are currently able to get a vaccine.  There appears to be some recent research suggesting if you've had covid you only need one of the two shot vaccines.  They work by the first shot just being a primer, and the second shot is the real vaccine, although there has been a fair amount of antibody reaction to the first shot and it has a fairly high effectiveness rate by itself, but the fear is it doesn't last, same as with the immunity from having had it assuming there is any for a particular person -- and probably isn't much for the variants.  As of now, it's still recommended to get both shots, and I guess if it were me I'd get both shots no matter what since why take a chance on the unknown when the known isn't all that much known.  But it is something that might be accepted down the road if one is willing to wait a while to get vaccinated.  My own view is every human owes it to every other human to get vaccinated in this case because we have vaccines that work well and a disease that is mutating but still new and is quite lethal to the old and weak, and I'd hate to be the one who killed someone.  But that hasn't seemed to matter to about half of Americans, still, it does matter to me.
This needs clarity, it's a mess -- meant to say only need one shot of the two shot vaccines maybe, and also meant to say, all humans need to get vaccinated like yesterday or months ago because human behavior in too many countries is letting the virus rule us rather than the other way around so waiting might have some value but isn't the best way to treat other humans.
Thank you.  While they did just open up my age group in my state, it's difficult to get still.  I'm trying!

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