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5 year old Behavior Issues

I have a 5 year old, he is getting ready to start K, He has been in Special Education Pre-k since3 years old, for speech and developemental delay.In his last IEP meeting, they removed the titles are are only going to keep him in language. In 2004 he pulled a 27 inch TV on him, he had a subdermal hemorrage to the brain. We have always had minor behavior issues, such as temper tantums. Recently he has started, pulling his pants down(bare bottom), biting, throwing chairs at teachers, throwing shoes, spitting, spitting food in other childrens hair, destroying stuff. I think he understands when we tell him he can not do these type of things, but he continues to do them. We have tried Time out, taking his stuff away, making him stay in his room, and Spanking. The only person he seems to really listen to is his DAD but that is only when Dadis there to tell him what to do. We have gone to see a Pychologist and it may be ADHD, Bipolor(which runs in my family), Or something from the injury. We have had 2 babysitters quit on us, and he has already been kicked out of 1 school. Any advise?
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Hi, I have a 6 yr. old son with the same issues.  Bad behavioral issues, tons similiar as to what you say.  Everything sounds just like my son.  And he's never had a head injury.  Time outs and all do not work.  I am reading a good book..."The Explosive Child" by Ross. W. Greene.
Let me know if you want any more of my opinion anytime!
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You should contact the psychologist that evaluated your son to report the present problems and request assistance.  It seems that it would be prudent for your son to be evaluated by a neurologist and a neuropsychologist in light of his history of head injury.  Such evaluations will shed light on to what more specifically is the origin to his difficulties which in turn can help determine what the best course of treatment will be.  Best wishes...
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