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3 lesions on my liver

I had colon cancer & surgery which was successful.  I had 6 months of chemotheropy.  There are 3 remaining lesions on my liver - which shrunk after chemo.  I have been told to do more chemo.  However, I cannot.  I am looking for alternative.  I am aware that there are herbs to get rid of any tumers - cancerous or otherwise.  I would appreciate either a rec oriental practicionar or another way to go.  Who or what do you suggest?  Thank you.
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I was diagnoses with colon cancer with metastasis on the liver in 2001. After an initial emergency surgery, to remove a tumor in my colon I had 12 sessions of chemo, then in 2002 the first surgery to remove two lesions on my liver, then more chemo. Three more lesions reappeared early 2003.  I have another liver surgery two remove 2 lesions on one of the lobes and a ratio frequency oblation to remove a third lesion on the other lobe. After that surgery, I had 12 more lesions of chemo and so far, my lever is fine.

Let me know if you have any questions.  
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I was informed that the lesions would always return, since they "suspect" there were lesions on the other side of my liver.  Yet, there is no machine to see the other side of my liver - to validate that.  Hence, they refused to give me surgery or a process which sounds like oblasion to "cook" the lesions.  I was informed that I would be getting chemo for the rest of my life.  Since I work for myself - day & night - and I am unable to tolerate chemo anymore, I cannot be put out of commission.  I am presently taking a Homeopathic way.  pPlus, I am about to incorporate an ancient American Indian herbal remedy, to get rid of any or all lesions in my body.  I had a client who was married to a man who studied the Chinese way to remove lesions cancerous or otherwise.  He was a well respected doctor, who had bladder cancer & survived it with this method. However, 10 years later (after being cured of cancer) he died of natural causes.  My liver functions normally.  I have a problem with chemo.  It has thrown off my hormones which gave me a second menopause 9 yrs later, wrecked my teeth, affected my eyesight & has caused horrendous allergies.  I had a proteous infection in my 20's - which is the worst stage of  an allergic infection where you can die. I was dying, until I found a decent doctor to identify it & treat it.  I went through quite a few doctors.  Every other doctor gave me a laughable diagnosis.  They suspected I was having a stroke or an advanced stage of sphyllis or ms.  Lucky you; you fnally made it through the chemo, etc!  Thank you for your feedback.  Good luck to you!
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