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Blood in Stool :(

Im a 19 year old male and was wonder what it means to have bright red blood in poop.  A couple weeks ago I had some diarrhea and then after going several times, the last few a few drops of red dripped into the toilet and were on the toilet paper.  Then everything was fine for a few weeks, until I go diarrhea again, and saw just  a little red.  Now I'm constipated.  Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this.  I keep reading online and everything points to colectoral cancer and that makes me really nervous, event though Im so young.  Any advice would be GREAT!

Thanks to anyone who helps
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Hi - colon cancer normally occurs only at age 40+ although I have read on Medhelp that, very rarely, this disease can be observed in patients as young as ~20.  However, in your case the cause is far more likely to be minor.  Your line of thinking should be more along the lines of "well I might have colon cancer and I might also get struck by lightening" rather than "Oh my God, I bet that I have got colon cancer".  Actually even if you are unfortunate enough to have drawn the infinitessimal "short straw", colon cancer is eminently treatable if discovered early - as it would be in your case - IF>>>!!Nevertheless rectal bleeding is never normal and should always be investigated so you should seek medical advice.

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I agree with Morecambie. Although colon cancer is rare in people under 40. It's not unheard of. Your bleeding could be something as minor as a hemorhoid or an anal fissure. I would definatly follow up with your doctor just to be on the safe side. Don't let them dismiss your symptoms just because you are young. Make sure they know without a shadow of doubt it's a hemorrhoid or fissure. If they can't, you may need further testing. However, I would think your symptoms point to a hemorrhoid.
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