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Is my colon cancer back

I am 32 yrs old and had a colonscopy 4 yrs age dr removed 19 polyps and 3 were maligament. I am now experiencing a lot of symptoms and don't know witch way to turn. I have lower abdominal cramps on and off, lower back pain, bowel changes from constipation to stringy like bm, sometimes dark in color with mucos and white hairy or furry looking stuff, gas,bloating, the last year i have went from 140 pds to 105, very tired with noooo entergy,short of breath often but i do smoke, my urinalaysis showed blood in urine and cloudy also protein was 30 mg and high red blood cell ct, please help i feel like i am go in crazy !! Forgot to mention why NO HEALTH INSURANCE thanks so much
3 Responses
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I would suggest that in view of the previous presence of malignant polyps, you should agree with a GI specialist an interval for further interim colonoscopies to check for non-recurence (or - hopefully not - recurrence).  Don't let it drift and then discover that you have put yourself into an unnecessary risk area.

I would also suggest that the other symptoms you list should prompt you to seek prompt medical advice.


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212161 tn?1599427282
i would say since you have had trouble before dont put this off have it checked asap.
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766080 tn?1240252458
I know it can be costly, but your health is not worth it; definitely go get checked out by a doctor ASAP (I completely agree with the others' response). I wish you the best of luck!
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