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blood around stool in toilet

Has any one ever experienced what I have had now for 15 months? Blood( red liquid) slowly seeps out of stool in toilet water. My colonoscopy was ok. Dr says a small fissure, another Dr says- no because I have no pain. I have been to three Drs to try to discover what is this, where does it come from.  . FOBT is negative. Blood work is ok.
Twice have had mid abdominal pain, very severe lasting 3-4 days. No relief after BM.  but several throughout the day and evening.
Bowel movements have changed- more often during the day vs for years only in morning and sometimes not for two days. Not constipated. Some days diarrhea. Since Dec have lost about 12 lbs.Appetite is lessening. No desire to look at or buy food in grocery store. Last couple of months have night sweats.
I am a very healthy 67 yr old on no meds.
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