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Colon cancer with metastasis to the peritoneal cavity

My father had a tumor removed from his colon 8 months ago that had broke through the wall of his colon.  He went through 6 months of chemotherapy and 2 months after his chemo regimen ended he developed Malignant Ascites in his peritoneal cavity.  The doctors have said that his cancer has spread to the peritoneal cavity and this is causing the build of of Ascites.  He had had the fluid removed through parecentesis several times but it just keeps coming back.  Also they have put him on a new form of chemo....Erbitux combined with Irotecan.  Everything that I have read regarding his situation has a poor prognosis.  My question is....is there anything else that can be done besides administering Erbitux (as this drug is only palliative in nature), such as haviing cytoreductive surgery combined with heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy directed to the site of the problem.  My father is 72 years old and is very mobile but recently with this bout of chemo he has slowed down a bit and complains of swollen ankles (leg edema) fatigue and also shortness of breath even shortly after the Ascites is removed.  Are these causes of the Erbitux or are they signifiers of the end approaching as spelled out in the Karnofsky scale that I have read about.  It is hard to tell if it is the chemotherapy or the cancer causing these issues.  I just can't get a straight answer from the doctors.  Can you help answer these concerns.
3 Responses
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549511 tn?1271775930
will try again later ok i have spent over an hour on this and i have some info that will help you.
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549511 tn?1271775930
this one went through??I dont understand it.am i writing too much.
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549511 tn?1271775930
three time s i have tried to submit what i know to you and it has not gone through???? Maybe if you cut and paste this to a new thread.
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