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Could I have Colon Cancer??

For the past 2 days I've had anal bleeding when I go to the restroom.  I've had stomach bloating, and cramps.  I've been having trouble sitting down,  I've been getting a pain on a bone between my lower back and my but.  Could I maybe have colon cancer??
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I note that you are 16 years old and the chances of developing colon cancer at this young age are probably one in a million - or one in a squillion!!

However, rectal/anal bleeding is never normal and medical advice should always be sought.

Do consult a doctor and obtain a definite diagnosis.

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IAm 27 years old recently had my gallbladder removed and have had diarreah for a year now and blood occasionally when i go to the bathroom. I have stomach pains and would like to know if it could be colon cancer?
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You should arrange another consultation with your surgeon who is responsible for your after-care treatmnent following your operation.  I suggest that you request both a colonoscopy and an endoscopy to be carried out at the same time.

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